Wagoner’s Home – Drakensang: The Dark Eye Location

This guide is an overview of a certain area from Chapter 2 in Drakensang: The Dark Eye. In it, you’ll find a map, legend, and overview of the points of interest.

overview 2 wagonershome

1 – Boris the Bandit
2 – Hjalbin and Jessica
3 – Dark Eye Warehouse
4 – Fishwife Strunkler
5 – Farrier Irontoe
6 – Eelko’s Murder Scene
7 – The Serene Sow
8 – Holwick the Huckster
9 – Cellar Vault


  1. Exit to Praios Square.
  2. Exit to Ugdan Harbor.
  3. World exit.


1 – Boris the Bandit

At this spot, you’ll encounter a bandit named Boris, who will demand money from you. If you decide to pay, then it will cost you 1 thaler, and Boris will demand his toll every time that you pass through. If you decide not to pay, then you’ll have to fight Boris and his two thugs.

2 – Hjalbin and Jessica

When you arrive here (#2), you’ll witness a conversation between Hjalbin and Jessica. Jessica will tell Hjalbin that she loves Finn (who you might remember encountering in Praios Square), and Hjalbin will claim that Finn is just using her. After the conversation, Jessica will head east to her stall (#2a), where she’ll sell a variety of items, and Hjalbin will move west, where he’ll sit on a bench and mope. Nothing much will come of the conversation, but you’ll see Jessica (and Finn) again.

3 – Dark Eye Warehouse

You’ll meet some Dark Eyes outside of the warehouse, but you won’t be able to do anything with them until later.

4 – Fishwife Strunkler

“Fish! Fresh fish!” Despite the fishwife’s calls, you won’t actually be able to buy fish at her stall. She’ll just sell a random collection of items.

5 – Farrier Irontoe

Irontoe is a blacksmith. He’ll sell you a variety of blacksmithing ingredients, including Kosh Steel, and he’ll also teach you the Blacksmith talent.

Note: A farrier is a person who shoes horses.

6 – Eelko’s Murder Scene

You’ll just find some blood on the ground here, plus perhaps a cat named Mimi and Neighbor Lovinger. For more information on investigating Eelko’s Murder, see the quest entry for Murders in Ferdok.

7 – The Serene Sow

You’ll need to visit the Serene Sow to recruit Gladys to your party. See the quest entry for Murders in Ferdok for more information.

8 – Holwick the Huckster

9 – Cellar Vault

The Cellar Vault is the entrance to the Guild of Thieves. Assuming that you learned the entry password from the quest The Examination, then inside you’ll meet Cano, the guildmaster. He’ll sell you some thief items (including recipes and the Finger Blade), and he’ll train you in Aimed Throw, Disarm Traps, Dodge, Etiquette, Feint, Fencing Weapons, Haggle, Master Perry, Pick Locks, Pick Pocket, Seduce, Streetwise, and Traps. Cano will also give you the quest The Guild of Thieves Obstacle Course.

Pick Pocketing Note: Cano will drop 50 ducats plus a Ring of Phex and a Ring of Agility. You’ll need an Arcane Lore of 7 to identify the rings.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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