The Poisoning of Xolgorax – Drakensang: The Dark Eye Quest

In this guide, you will find a map, legend, and walkthrough for the respective quest in Chapter 8 of Drakensang: The Dark Eye.


1 – Treasurer Otosh
2 – Temple
3 – Grimbolosh
4 – Mushrooms


  1. Entrance to the Mushroom Garden.


You’ll receive this quest at the end of the quest “Esteemed Guests,” when you claim a reward from Treasurer Otosh (#1).


Immediately after claiming the reward, Prince Arom will tell you that “something terrible has happened,” and he’ll summon you to the temple (#2). When you get there, you’ll learn from Arom and Devotee Lugosh that High Priest Xolgorax has been poisoned, and that you’ll need to travel to the Mushroom Garden (via Exit A) to find a Glautamash Mushroom, so Lugosh can use it to brew an antidote.

Inside the garden you’ll meet Grimbolosh (#3). He’ll tell you that the Glautamash Mushroom is “violet-colored, somewhat smaller than the others, and it only grows alone.” You’ll receive 25 experience points for learning this. Grimbolosh will also warn you about the giant scorpions in the garden, and if you agree to kill them for him then you’ll trigger the quest “Pest Control.” You’ll find 18 scorpions scattered throughout the garden. If you kill them all then you’ll receive 50 experience points and 10 Dragon’s Spit Traps.

You’ll find several purple mushrooms in the garden (#4). About half of them will be “normal” mushrooms, and the other half will be Glautamash Mushrooms. You’ll mostly find the Glautamash Mushrooms in the large chamber on the southern side of the garden (the placement might be slightly random). All of the mushrooms will start out unidentified, but you won’t need to identify them (using Plant Lore) to complete the quest.

When you pick up one of the Glautamash Mushrooms, you’ll gain 30 experience points. Then when you deliver it to Lugosh (#2), you’ll receive 80 more experience points — and Lugosh will inform you that a Bigling woman has been arrested for the assassination attempt. See the quest entry for Suspicion Falls on a Friend for more information.

1 – Treasurer Otosh

2 – Temple

3 – Grimbolosh

4 – Mushrooms

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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