The Dragon’s Eye – Drakensang: The Dark Eye Quest

In this guide, you will find a map, legend, and walkthrough for the respective quest in Chapter 6 of Drakensang: The Dark Eye.


1 – Orc Patrol
2 – Locked Gate
3 – Guard Room
4 – Torch Brackets
5 – Statue Room
6 – Locked Door


  1. Entrance to the Castle Vaults.
  2. Stairs between levels 1 and 2 of the vaults.
  3. Stairs between levels 2 and 3 of the vaults.
  4. Stairs between levels 3 and 4 of the vaults.
  5. Exit from the Castle Vaults (to the Castle Inner Ward).


You’ll receive this quest at the conclusion of Chapter 5, when you visit with Dorion in the Temple of Hesinde in Praios Square.


The Oracle of the Dragon Quest will have one last trial for you. He’ll charge you with finding the Dragon’s Eye “in the midst of wrath’s blind fury.” Dorion won’t know what to make of these words, but Ardat Whitecliff will understand them perfectly. He’ll tell you that they refer to the Silver Falls family at Grimtooth Castle, and to a holy artifact called the Dragon’s Eye. However, he’ll note that the Silver Falls family is reclusive, and that you’ll need to talk to the diplomat Gerlin to find a way to meet with them.

You’ll find Gerlin in the Ducal Citadel, arguing with a guard at the gate to the dwarf quarter. When you talk to him, he’ll let you know that the Silver Falls family will never willingly give up the Dragon’s Eye, and so he’ll suggest that you steal it from them instead. To that end, he’ll tell you about a secret tunnel located to the south of the castle, which you can use to get inside. He’ll also suggest that you speak with a mercenary named Nasreddin in Ugdan Harbor, who will join you as a companion if you pay him 200 ducats. Completing the conversation with Gerlin will net you 50 experience points.

Next you should travel to a region called Above the Silver Falls (located south of Ferdok), which is the home of Grimtooth Castle. When you reach the castle, you’ll discover that it is being attacked by orcs and ogres, and you’ll have to do quite a bit of fighting, both inside and outside, to reach the Dragon’s Eye. See the overview page for Above the Silver Falls for a more detailed description of the castle and its surroundings.

When you enter the Castle Vaults (via Exit A), you’ll gain 100 experience points, and you’ll receive a new objective — to avoid contact with the orcs in the castle. You won’t have to worry about this for most of the castle — just in Level 2 where you’ll need to dodge a single orc patrol (#1). This patrol will have a dog with it, so sneaking won’t be enough; you’ll need to stay out of the patrol’s way as follows its set path through the level. This path is marked with a gold bar on the map. If you can avoid the patrol, then you’ll gain 50 experience points when you reach Level 3.

Note: Once you’ve met the objective, you can return to Level 2 and be as noisy as you want.

On Level 3, you’ll find a locked gate (#2) blocking your way to the Level 4. To open the gate, you’ll need to head into the guard room (#3) and position the levers there so that the two outer levers are up and the middle lever is down (matching the shields on the wall above them).

On Level 4, you’ll come upon an intersection with four torch brackets that you can click on (#4). If you turn off all of the torches, then you’ll open the way to the puzzle room to the north (#5). Inside the puzzle room, you’ll find four statues surrounding a pedestal. If you click on the statues then they’ll rotate 90 degrees. Your goal is to rotate the statues so that they’re all directing a beam of light onto the pedestal.

To complete the puzzle, just notice that clicking on the eastern statue will rotate all of the statues, clicking on the northern statue will rotate three of the statues, clicking on the western statue will rotate two of the statues, and clicking on the southern statue will rotate only itself. That means you should start with the eastern statue, position it correctly, and then continue on in a counterclockwise fashion, positioning the statues as you go. Each new statue will only rotate itself and the statues you haven’t positioned yet, and so at the end all of the statues will be facing correctly.

When the statues are all pointing a beam of light at the pedestal, the Dragon’s Eye will appear, and a door to the west (#6) will open, allowing you to escape from the vaults (via Exit E). Picking up the Dragon’s Eye will net you 300 experience points.

When you exit the vaults, you’ll witness a cutscene where a sorceress named Malgorra will confront Traldar, the lord of the castle, and demand that he surrender. Since Malgorra will have Traldar’s son Phenar in custody, Traldar will comply, and he’ll ask you to give the Dragon’s Eye to her. If you refuse, then Malgorra will kill Gondwin (even if you didn’t rescue him), and you’ll have to give up the gem anyway.

With the Dragon’s Eye in her possession, Malgorra will teleport away, but not before setting the stage for a battle royale between you and the orc leader Bloodfang. Traldar will help you out in the fight, giving you a five-on-one advantage, but Bloodfang is still tough. The orc has a good armor rating and a ton of hit points, and so you might have to struggle to wear him down. However, Bloodfang can be wounded, so if you have a weapon or attack that causes wounds, then that’s the way to go.

Once you’ve done enough damage to Bloodfang, he’ll reveal that he’s really Noldrokon in disguise, and the second phase of the battle will begin. Noldrokon is a spellcaster, so he’ll be annoying at the start of the fight as he uses up his astral energy, but as long as you can withstand his early spells, the battle shouldn’t be too tough.

Finally, once you’ve done enough damage to Noldrokon, he’ll transform again, and this time he’ll become a lizard warrior (also named Noldrokon). The lizard warrior is sort of a cross between Bloodfang and Noldrokon, with toughness and spellcasting, and he can be difficult to defeat, especially if some of your party members are no longer in action. But just keep whacking away and trying to score wounds, and eventually he’ll go down.

When Noldrokon finally dies, several good things will happen: you’ll receive 40 experience points, you’ll learn that you gave a fake Dragon’s Eye to Malgorra and that Traldar still has the real one, and the orcs in the castle will realize that they were tricked, and they’ll leave without fighting you. Traldar will then thank you for your help, and he’ll give you the real Dragon’s Eye plus Shoulder Guards of Fire, and then he’ll announce that he’s going to journey to Ferdok and speak with Duke Growin. When you return to Ferdok yourself, you’ll find Traldar in the Ducal Residence in the Ducal Citadel, and you’ll be able to recruit him to your party.

Note: Before leaving the area, you should loot all of the corpses, especially Noldrokon’s, where you’ll find 30 ducats and some potions.

To complete the quest, you’ll just need to return to Dorion in the Temple of Hesinde in Praios Square. He’ll reward you with the Shield of Fendral and 500 experience points.

1 – Orc Patrol

2 – Locked Gate

3 – Guard Room

4 – Torch Brackets

5 – Statue Room

6 – Locked Door

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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