The Diadem and the Lover – Drakensang: The Dark Eye Quest

In this guide, you will find a map, legend, and walkthrough for the respective quest in Chapter 1 of Drakensang: The Dark Eye.


1 – Salina
2 – Runkel Bagthumper
3 – The Jagged Blade
4 – Bald Mountain
5 – Tollkeeper Nandor


The first time you approach Salina and her brother Hamlok (#1), you’ll overhear them complaining to a guard that an “ancient heirloom” (a diadem) was recently stolen from them, and that nothing is being done about it. When you talk to Salina yourself, she’ll make you an offer. If you bring Dranor to her (who she suspects is involved in the theft), then she’ll vouch for you so you can enter Ferdok. Agreeing to this proposition will trigger the quest.


If you question Salina further, then she’ll suggest that you track down an old friend of Dranor’s named Runkel Bagthumper (#2). You’ll find him just to the northwest. When you talk to Runkel, he’ll tell you that he witnessed a “strange man” eyeing Salina’s diadem and threatening Dranor. He’ll speculate that the man might be connected to the gang of murderers in the area, and he’ll suggest that you talk to the innkeeper at The Jagged Blade (#3), who might know more about the gang.

However, when you visit the innkeeper, he probably won’t say anything about the quest (or at least he didn’t for us). Fortunately, his step in the quest is optional, and you’ll find Dranor on Bald Mountain (#4) whether you learn anything from the innkeeper or not.

When you reach Dranor, you’ll find him with a dark stranger and three robbers. The stranger will take the diadem from Dranor and teleport away (don’t worry, you’ll see him again later), and then the robbers will attack. After the battle, you’ll receive 90 experience points, and Dranor will offer to join your party.

Finally, when you return to Salina (#1), she’ll be happier to see you than she will be with Dranor, and she’ll agree to help you get past Tollkeeper Nandor (#5) so you can enter Ferdok. “If your word isn’t good enough for him, tell him I’ll spill the beans about what he did on the first Praios Day last year.” You’ll also receive 70 experience points.

1 – Salina

2 – Runkel Bagthumper

3 – The Jagged Blade

4 – Bald Mountain

5 – Tollkeeper Nandor

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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