Tallon – Drakensang: The Dark Eye Location

This guide is an overview of a certain area from Chapter 7 in Drakensang: The Dark Eye. In it, you’ll find a map, legend, and overview of the points of interest.

overview 7 tallon

1 – Jargold the Swineherd
2 – Overturned Cart
3 – Broken Bridge
4 – East Gate
5 – Stall
6 – Becklebrook
7 – Temple of Peraine
8 – Market
9 – Cemetery
10 – West Gate
11 – Leprechaun
12 – Woodcutter’s Camp
13 – Archon Megalon
14 – Ancoron
15 – Goblin Camp
16 – Villager
17 – Rattle Farm
18 – Goblin Camp
19 – Knight Prancelot
20 – Stinking Caves
21 – Ivigor
22 – Bridge
23 – Prenn’s Grove
24 – Debris
25 – Skeleton
26 – Meredin
27 – Mandrake
28 – Dwarven Tower


  • A – Entrance to the abandoned ore mines.
  • W – World exit.


At the start of this chapter you’ll learn that you’ll need to travel to dwarven city of Murolosh — but that to be admitted inside, you’ll need to gain permission from the dwarves. So the bulk of the chapter will be taken up with reaching the town of Tallon, where you’ll meet the diplomat Gerlin, who will introduce you to the dwarven prince Arom (#23), who will ask you to help him defeat a dragon (#28). These events are detailed in the quests Prologue: The Adamantine Heart and The Road to Murolosh.

You’ll also encounter a few side quests while you’re in Tallon. The main ones, Marauders and Rattle Farm, are triggered by the Tallon Captain (#10) and Farmer Groat (#17) respectively.

1 – Jargold the Swineherd

Somewhere along this road you’ll run into Jargold the Swineherd. He’ll tell you that he wasn’t allowed into Tallon for some reason (you’ll learn why when you get there), and that there are rumors of marauders and a monster in the forest. He’ll also warn you that the noblewoman with the overturned cart to the east (#2) “is by far the most dangerous beast lurking here in the Tarnel Woods.”

2 – Overturned Cart

You’ll meet Ingania of the Mountain here (#2). She’ll tell you that her wagon broke a wheel, and that her coachman went to Tallon to find a replacement, but that he is long overdue. If you agree to look for the coachman, then you’ll trigger the quest “The Noblewoman Ingiana.”

Note: There aren’t any typos in the above paragraph. The game refers to the noblewoman as both Ingania and Ingiana. You’ll see a lot of names spelled multiple ways in this chapter.

You’ll find the coachman’s body to the east (#2a). When you get close to it, you’ll gain 10 experience points, and some goblins will attack you. Then when you return with the bad news to Ingania, you’ll gain 20 more experience points, and Ingania will ask you to escort her to Tallon. If you agree, then she’ll begin following you.

On the way to Tallon you’ll encounter several more goblins, even if you cleared the path previously. When you reach the east gate of Tallon (#4), you’ll receive 20 experience points, and Ingania will offer you 20 ducats as a reward. If you try to haggle for more, then you’ll fail, and you won’t receive anything. If you decline the reward, then you’ll receive 15 experience points instead.

Note: If you wait too long to help Ingania, then she’ll try to reach Tallon on her own and die in the attempt, and you’ll fail the quest.

3 – Broken Bridge

You’ll meet Darian and Viburn attempting to repair the bridge here. Darian won’t have much to say to you, but if you wait for him to move away from Viburn, then Viburn will tell you a few things, including the password for the east gate (#4).

Later, after you’ve explored the abandoned ore mines (Exit A), Darian and Viburn will complete the repairs on the bridge, and you’ll be able to cross it.

4 – East Gate

The guard at the gate won’t be impressed by the Dragon Quest or your Shield of Fendral, and he’ll refuse to let you into the city. There are there ways to change his mind. You can bribe him 15 ducats, you can learn the secret password from Viburn (#3), or you can complete the quest “The Noblewoman Ingiana” (see #2).

Just inside the gate you’ll find a world map, which will allow you to leave the region without traveling all the way to the world exit (Exit W) to the north.

5 – Stall

You’ll find a stall run by Mother Sweeting here. She’ll sell you a variety of basic items. In front of the stall you’ll meet a nobleman. If you still have the Parcel of Candied Kosh Bunting Tongues, then he’ll offer to pay you 20 ducats for it.

6 – Becklebrook

If you have enough prowess in Streetwise, then you’ll recognize that Becklebrook has a certain affinity with the underworld. He’ll then sell you a variety of rogue items, including a Locksmith Knife and a Ring of Phex, and he’ll train you in several talents, including Aimed Throw, Disarm Traps, Dodge I-III, Etiquette, Haggle, Feint, Fencing Weapons, Lunge, Master Parry, Mortal Blow, Pick Locks, Pick Pocket, Rain of Iron, Seduce, Streetwise, Wall of Blades, and Windmill.

7 – Temple of Peraine

Inside the temple you’ll meet an abbot. He’ll teach you the Treat Wounds talent, and if you have enough prowess in Fast Talk, then he’ll mention a former deont named Hesperia, who disappeared long ago. You’ll learn more about Hesperia during the quest Marauders and also from Devotee Ulinai at Prenn’s Grove (#23).

Later, after you’ve explored the abandoned ore mines (Exit A), you’ll find Mayor Dipwidge behind the temple, trying to sacrifice a maiden to appease the dragon that has been terrorizing the town. If you talk to the maiden and agree to help her, then you’ll trigger the quest “A Virgin for the Dragon.”

To save the maiden, you’ll just need to convince the mayor that you can defeat the dragon. To do this, you’ll need to list two “heroic deeds” that you’ve completed in the area, including defeating the ogre (see the quest entry for Marauders), defeating the linnorm (see the quest entry for Rattle Farm), and discovering Hesperia’s remains (see #23). Convincing the mayor of your competence will earn you 50 experience points, and the maiden will go free.

Note: If you kill the dragon (#28) before triggering this encounter, then you’ll fail the quest.

8 – Market

You’ll meet several important NPCs in the market and its attached tavern. The most important ones are listed below:

  • Innkeeper Possinger. He’ll give you a lot of background information, and he’ll sell you Apple Wine.

  • Magister Adran Gorbas. He’ll have a handful of magical jewelry items for sale, including a Ring of Astral Accumulation and a Ring of Life, and he’ll train you in over 20 magic talents, including Ignisphaero Fireball, Skeletarius, and Tlaluc’s Pestilential Breath.

  • Mayor Dipwidge. The mayor will introduce you to the Apple Festival (a celebration for the goddess Peraine), and he’ll steadfastly claim that there is no beast in the area. “You should not listen to the clap-trap of farm workers!” He’ll also update a pair of quests: Marauders and The Road to Murolosh.

  • Oakrich the Merchant. You’ll need to deal with Oakrich during the quest Marauders.

  • Roppel the Armorer. He’ll have a wide variety of high quality armor items for sale. You should be able to upgrade the equipment of almost all of your characters at his stall.

  • Wagoner Rilke. After a long and meandering tale, Rilke will try to sell you A Broken-Off Dragon Tooth for 10 ducats. We’ve never seen a use for the tooth, so feel free to turn down the offer.

9 – Cemetery

You’ll find a locked crypt in the cemetery. It’s involved in the quest Marauders.

10 – West Gate

When you approach the west gate, the captain of the guard will stop you, and he’ll tell you that the gate has been sealed by order of the town council. But then he’ll take a close look at you and decide that you might be able to help the guards drive the goblins away from the western walls. If you agree to help, then you’ll trigger the quest Marauders.

After you’ve cleared the walls, the Tallon Captain will become available as a trainer, and he’ll teach you a bunch of combat talents, including Armor Use I-III, Defensive Combat I-III, and Offensive Combat I-III.

Pick Pocketing Note: The Tallon Captain will drop 10 ducats, a Heavy Dagger, 10 Pills of Endurance, and a Healing Potion.

11 – Leprechaun

When you first approach the leprechaun, it will teleport away. But later, once you’ve completed a particular task in the quest Marauders, you’ll be able to talk to the leprechaun, and it will become a trainer for numerous talents, including Ignisphaero Fireball and Calm Body Calm Spirit. The leprechaun will also update the quest The Recipe for the Potion of Power.

12 – Woodcutter’s Camp

You’ll meet Hunter Rombrooke in the camp. He’ll sell you some items, including Bowyer recipes and a Wood-Carving Knife, and he’ll also teach you several talents, including Aimed Shot, Animal Lore, Bow, Bowyer, Crossbow, Dodge I-II, Marksman, Master Crossbowman, Master Marksman, Plant Lore, Rain of Arrows, Spears, Survival, and Traps.

13 – Archon Megalon

Archon Megalon is a known character from Das Schwarze Auge (sort of like Elminster from Dungeons & Dragons). He’ll pop up in a couple of places around Tallon, but he’ll mostly just talk about fear (his specialty) and then disappear.

14 – Ancoron

You’ll meet Ancoron on the bridge here. He’ll show you where the main goblin camp is located. See the quest Marauders for more information.

15 – Goblin Camp

You’ll need to attack the goblins at this camp during the quest Marauders. You’ll find four treasure chests in the camp.

16 – Villager

You’ll come upon a wounded villager here. This encounter is covered in the quest entry for Rattle Farm.

17 – Rattle Farm

When you reach Rattle Farm, you’ll find it a smoldering ruin. You’ll meet Farmer Groat at the farm, and he’ll give you the quest Rattle Farm.

18 – Goblin Camp

This goblin camp is involved in the quest Rattle Farm.

19 – Knight Prancelot

You might remember Knight Prancelot from Avestrue. He’ll “help” you in the quest Rattle Farm.

Pick Pocketing Note: Prancelot will drop 1 ducat and more.

20 – Stinking Caves

The caves are home to a giant lizard called the linnorm, which you’ll need to kill in the quest Rattle Farm.

21 – Ivigor

At this spot you’ll find a plant called “ivigor.” If you successfully harvest it, then you won’t receive an herb; instead you’ll get 1 ducat.

22 – Bridge

As you cross this bridge, you’ll see a dragon swoop down and attack the monastery at Prenn’s Grove (#23).

23 – Prenn’s Grove

When you arrive at Prenn’s Grove, you’ll find the monastery there gutted by fire. Most of the NPCs in the area are involved in the quest The Road to Murolosh, but Devotee Ulinai will also act as a shopkeeper and a trainer, and she’ll give you the quest “Murder of a Deont” if you talk to her about Hesperia.

To complete the quest, all you’ll need to do is enter the abandoned ore mines (Exit A) and click on the “debris” on the eastern side of the cave system (#24). You’ll find Hesperia’s Remains in it. Picking up the remains will net you 10 experience points, and when you hand them over to Ulinai, you’ll receive 20 experience points more.

Pick Pocketing Note: Arom will drop a Diamond Whetstone, the Dragon’s Tooth, 50 ducats and more. Gerlin will drop a Locksmith Knife and an Amulet of Rondra (even if you stole those items from him previously in Ferdok).

24 – Debris

If you picked up the quest “Murder of a Deont” from Devotee Ulinai at Prenn’s Grove (#23), then this is where you’ll find Hesperia’s Remains. Otherwise, nothing will happen when you click on the debris.

25 – Skeleton

You’ll find a Key on the skeleton, but it won’t unlock anything.

26 – Meredin

You’ll encounter the necromancer Meredin and several skeletons here. You’ll need to defeat them for the quest The Road to Murolosh. Meredin will drop the Breastplate of Fire and the Key to the Dwarf Tower when he dies.

27 – Mandrake

You’ll find some Mandrake here. You’ll need it for the quest Marauders.

28 – Dwarven Tower

The dwarven tower is involved in the quest The Road to Murolosh. You won’t be able to enter it until the end of the chapter.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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