Rattle Farm – Drakensang: The Dark Eye Quest

In this guide, you will find a map, legend, and walkthrough for the respective quest in Chapter 7 of Drakensang: The Dark Eye.


1 – Wounded Villager
2 – Rattle Farm
3 – Goblin Camp
4 – Knight Prancelot
5 – Linnorm Lair


You’ll receive this quest when you talk to the wounded villager (#1) or to Farmer Groat at Rattle Farm (#2).


This quest has three parts. You’ll get one part from the wounded villager (#1), and you’ll get the other two parts from Farmer Groat (#2). You’ll also receive 10 experience points just for talking to Groat.

The Injured Farm Worker

On your way to Rattle Farm (#2), you’ll come across an injured villager writhing on the ground (#1). If you have a healing potion or enough prowess with the Treat Wounds talent (5 points is enough), then you’ll be able to heal the villager, and he’ll walk away. For performing this good deed, you’ll receive 20-25 experience points right away, and you’ll receive 5 thalers when you report in to Farmer Groat at the farm.

The Missing Farm Workers

Farmer Groat (#2) will tell you that all of his workers fled when the wyrm attacked his farm, and he’ll ask you to look for them. You’ll find the workers in the goblin camp to the east (#3). The goblins will talk to you when you arrive at the camp, and this will give you two ways to deal with them.

If you decide to attack, then you’ll have to fight over a dozen goblins at once (each worth 2-3 experience points), and you’ll receive 60 experience points at the end of the battle. Then you’ll receive 10 experience points when you talk to the workers (in the back of the camp), and 20 more experience points when you report back to Farmer Groat.

If you talk to the goblins, then you’ll learn that they broke away from the other goblin bands in the area, and that they’d like to go home, but that they’ll need some pigs to survive the winter. If you already completed the quest Marauders, then the goblins will only require three pigs; otherwise they’ll require five.

When you return to Farmer Groat (#2) to ask for the pigs, he’ll try to sell them to you for 5 ducats each, but with enough prowess in Fast Talk, you’ll be able to get them for free. Then when you attempt to lead the pigs to the goblins, you’ll be attacked by some wolves. After the battle, you’ll just need to walk up to each of the pigs to get them following you again.

When you arrive at the goblin camp, the pigs will automatically run inside, and you’ll receive 20 experience points. Then when you talk to the goblin shaman, you’ll receive 30 experience points, and when you talk to the workers, you’ll receive 10 experience points. Finally, when you report in to Farmer Groat, you’ll receive 20 experience points.

Note: You’ll get roughly the same amount of experience regardless of how you decide to deal with the goblins.

The Beast

Farmer Groat (#2) will tell you that a “big, stinking wyrm” attacked his farm, and since it didn’t meet any resistance, he’ll worry that it might come back, and so he’ll ask you to hunt it down and kill it. However, as luck would have it, Groat will mention that “another great hero,” Knight Prancelot of Scufflewick (who you might remember from Avestrue), is also in the area, and he’ll suggest that you work together.

You’ll find Prancelot just to the east of the farm (#4), in a tough battle against two wolves. You’ll receive 10 experience points when you arrive at the scene, and then 20 experience points more once you’ve dispatched the wolves.

When you finally talk to Prancelot, he’ll allow you to accompany him, and he’ll head off for the wyrm’s lair. Along the way you’ll be attacked by some goblins, and Prancelot will lead a “diversionary tactic” and withdraw from the fight. Afterwards, you’ll need to talk to him to get him moving again, which will net you 10 experience points.

When you reach the entrance to the lair (#5), you’ll find that it’s buried in rocks and debris, preventing you from going inside. To solve this problem, you’ll need to return to Rattle Farm (#2) and talk to Farmer Groat. Provided that you’ve already rescued the farm workers, he’ll send them to the cave, and they’ll clear a path for you. Completing this step of the quest will net you 20 experience points.

Inside the lair, you’ll have to battle a bunch of crypt lice and amoebas (who will also attack each other), but eventually you’ll come to a giant lizard called a linnorm, and you’ll gain 20 experience points. Prancelot will be there with the linnorm, but he’ll fall unconscious after first contact, and so the fight will be up to you.

The linnorm is big and tough. It’ll knock you down and hit you with a poisonous breath attack, but it won’t move. However, the poison will hit you no matter where you go, so you won’t be able to run away and heal. That means you’ll have to go toe-to-toe with it and probably use a few healing potions during the fight, even if you buff up first. If you don’t have many potions, then feel free to hang out in the lair and defeat the re-spawning amoebas, since they’ll drop potions (as well as some useful crafting items).

When you finish off the linnorm, you’ll gain 150 experience points, and you’ll find a Linnorm Head and more on its corpse. Sadly, you can’t do anything with the Linnorm Head other than keep it as a memento, but nearby on a skeleton you’ll find some much more useful items: a Master Magician’s Hat, a Magician’s Staff, Jewels of Rahja, and more.

After the battle, Prancelot will wake up and run out of the cave, and he’ll immediately begin taking credit for the kill — with a slight nod to the help he got from his “fearless squires,” of course. But when you talk to Farmer Groat (#2), he’ll realize who was responsible for saving the farm, and he’ll reward you with 25 experience points plus 100 (or 120, with enough prowess in Haggle) ducats.

1 – Wounded Villager

2 – Rattle Farm

3 – Goblin Camp

4 – Knight Prancelot

5 – Linnorm Lair

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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