Praios Square – Drakensang: The Dark Eye Location

This guide is an overview of a certain area from Chapter 2 in Drakensang: The Dark Eye. In it, you’ll find a map, legend, and overview of the points of interest.

overview 2 praiossquare

1 – Timbermerchant Trueman
2 – Hunter Wolfing
3 – Firnjan the Bearmaster
4 – Rappelbush the Huckster
5 – Magistra Elysmine
6 – Temple of Hesinde
7 – Bridge
8 – Guard House
9 – Shady Character
10 – Market
11 – Temple of Praios
12 – The Silver Pitcher
13 – Ardo’s House


  • A – Exit to Wagoner’s Home.
  • B – Exit to Ugdan Harbor.
  • C – Exit to Beneath Ferdok. You’ll meet Grosso the Tailor next to the exit. He’ll give you the quest The Luckless Tailor.
  • D – Exit to the Ducal Citadel. You won’t be able to enter the Ducal Citadel until Chapter 3.
  • W – World exit.


When you first arrive at Praios Square, Dranor will reveal that there was “an incredibly stupid mix-up” in Ferdok, and that he’s currently wanted by the town guards. To get around this problem, he’ll announce that he’s going to slip into the city unseen, and meet up with you in the Ducal Citadel. Dranor will then leave your party, and you won’t see him again until Chapter 3.

Inside Ferdok itself, you’ll learn that there is a killer at large (which is why the city was closed off), and that your friend Ardo was one of the victims. You’ll then spend most of this chapter exploring the city and investigating the murders. For more information on the city, please review to this chapter’s overview pages. For more information on the investigation, please refer to the quest entry for Murders in Ferdok.


1 – Timbermerchant Trueman

Trueman will sell you a variety of Bowyer items.

2 – Hunter Wolfing

Wolfing will sell you some Bowyer items (including recipes), plus train you in Aimed Shot, Animal Lore, Bow, Bowyer, Crossbow, Plant Lore, Spears, Survival, and Traps.

3 – Firnjan the Bearmaster

You’ll meet Firnjan the Bearmaster and Fluffy the dancing bear here. You won’t be able to do anything with them now, but later they’ll have a quest for you.

4 – Rappelbush the Huckster

Rappelbush will sell you some utility items, like Simple Bandages and ammunition.

5 – Magistra Elysmine

Elysmine will sell you some magical items (including potions and recipes), and she’ll also train you in Alchemy, Arcane Lore, Attributo Agility, Attributo Charisma, Attributo Cleverness, Attributo Constitution, Attributo Courage, Attributo Dexterity, Attributo Intuition, Attriburo Strength, Balm of Healing, Etiquette, Fastness of Body, Guardianum Magic Shield, Ignifaxus Burst of Flame, Iron Rust Rot, Lightning Find You, Move as the Lightning, Plumbumbarm Heavy Arm, Psychic Focus, See True and Pure, Thunderbolt, and Treat Poisons.

6 – Temple of Hesinde

When you first arrive in Praios Square, you’ll learn that the temple is under construction, and that it will take a while to be completed. You won’t be able to enter it until Chapter 3.

7 – Bridge

The first time that you cross this bridge, you’ll witness Finn of Ferdok and Kastan Gamblack castigating a townsperson. “You there! You rabble. Be kind enough to move out of the way when Kasten Gamblack passes through!” You won’t be able to do anything with Finn and Kastan now, but you’ll meet up with them again later.

Pick Pocketing Note: Finn and Kastan will each drop 2 ducats and more.

8 – Guard House

You’ll meet Rob Effner here. He’ll train you in Aimed Throw, Armor Use I, Defensive Combat I, Dodge, Endurance, Feint, Master Perry, Mighty Blow, Offensive Combat I, Roundhouse, Shield Fighting I, Spears, Staves, Swords, Two-Handed Axes/Maces, and Two-Handed Swords.

Pick Pocketing Note: During the quest Murders in Ferdok, you’ll find Barla Borkensmith at the guard house, and she’ll drop 1 ducat and more if you rob her.

9 – Shady Character

The shady character won’t have anything to do with you unless you’re a member of the Guild of Thieves. See the quest entry for The Examination for how to become a member. Once you’ve joined the guild, the shady character will offer you a variety of items, including Hair Pins and an unidentified Ring of Phex.

10 – Market

You’ll find five shopkeepers scattered around the market. They’ll sell you a variety of goods, including weapons, armor, booze, and herbs.

11 – Temple of Praios

Inside the temple, a Devotee of Praios will ask you five questions about the gods. To study for the test you should read the (large) plaques in the side rooms of the temple. The answers are:

  • Yermoran
  • Urishar
  • Darador
  • Garafan
  • Ucuri

If you get an answer right on the first try, then you’ll receive 8 experience points. If you get it right at some point after that, then you’ll earn 2-5 experience points. That means for the entire test you can earn 10-40 experience points.

12 – The Silver Pitcher

You’ll meet three people of interest inside the tavern:

  • Bartender Tradan Brewmore. He’ll sell you some alcoholic beverages, plus the Recipe for Special Dark.

  • Cook. If you try to enter the kitchen, Cook will toss you out — unless you have Wolf Rat’s Tails, and then he’ll try to buy them from you. He’ll offer you 2 farthings a tail, but if you have a high enough Haggle talent, then you’ll be able to raise that price to 4 farthings. Regular merchants will only give you 1 farthing per tail.

  • Forgrimm. When you enter the tavern, you’ll witness Forgrimm, completely sozzled, trying to wheedle a drink or five out of the bartender. After meeting with Barla Borkensmith during the quest Murders in Ferdok, you’ll be able to sober Forgrimm up and add him to your party. To do this, you’ll need to ask the bartender for help. He’ll give you some Extra Strong Special Dark Ale, which will “cure” Forgrimm when he drinks it.

13 – Ardo’s House

When you first arrive at Ardo’s house, you’ll find a guard in front of it, and you won’t be allowed to go inside. Eventually, after completing the quest Murders in Ferdok, you’ll gain entry to the house, and it’s where your companions will wait for you when they’re not in your party. You’ll also be able to use the house for storage.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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