Murolosh (Chapter 8) – Drakensang: The Dark Eye Location

This guide is an overview of a certain area from Chapter 8 in Drakensang: The Dark Eye. In it, you’ll find a map, legend, and overview of the points of interest.

overview 8 murolosh

1 – Throne Room
2 – Tavern
3 – Treasurer Otosh
4 – Blacksmith Kulorax
5 – Dornax and Watmoss
6 – Simbeard
7 – Marimrosha Sisters
8 – Miner Gandor
9 – Aldessia
10 – Momplosh and Gnorblash
11 – Miner Tshomm
12 – Salina’s Room
13 – Locked Door
14 – Overman Fenmural
15 – Tunnel to the Mushroom Garden
16 – Shaft Sweeper Endrosh
17 – Temple
18 – Beer Storeroom
19 – Grazima’s Storage
20 – Aldessia’s Chambers


  • W – World exit.


Not long after arriving in Murolosh, Salina will get accused of causing all sorts of mischief in the city, and you’ll spend most of the chapter defending her. This is covered in the quest entry for Suspicion Falls on a Friend.

At the end of the chapter, after dealing with the person who framed Salina, you’ll finally find an entrance to the caves beneath Murolosh, and so you’ll finally be able to look for the Adamantine Heart.

1 – Throne Room

This is where you’ll start in the chapter. You’ll meet King Arombolosh here when you first arrive, and you’ll eventually meet High Priest Xolgorax here as well.

Pick Pocketing Note: Xolgorax will drop 2 ducats, a Large Healing Potion, a Dragon’s Tooth, and more. King Arombolosh will drop a Ring of Endurance and a Ring of Life, but you won’t be able to get close enough to rob him until the end of Chapter 9.

2 – Tavern

You’ll meet several people in the tavern:

  • Angraxa of Stone. She’ll challenge you to a drinking game. If you accept, then you’ll trigger the quest “Drink the Dwarf under the Table.” It’s best to select beer for the challenge because you’ll gain experience points for each round where you’re successful. Also, if you immediately demand a rematch, then you won’t have to pay Angraxa when you lose. When you eventually win, you’ll receive 50 experience points plus 10 ducats.

  • Argmar Guard. He’s involved in the quest Suspicion Falls on a Friend.

  • Gerlin. He’ll give you general advice.

  • Grazima. She’s involved in the quest The Plague of Lice.

  • Grimbeard. He’s Salina’s biggest fan. If you stole Salina’s Brooch from Hamlok earlier in the game, then you’ll be able to sell it to Grimbeard for 10-15 ducats. Grimbeard is also involved in the quests The Witness and Salina’s Rescue.

  • Innkeeper Bashur. He’s involved in the quest “The Travel Guide” (see #6).

  • Orgrim. He’s involved in the quest The Collapsed Tunnel.

  • Salina. She’ll get framed for causing all sorts of mischief, and you’ll have to prove that she’s innocent. See the quest entry for Suspicion Falls on a Friend for more information.

3 – Treasurer Otosh

When you first arrive in Murolosh, you’ll receive the quest “Esteemed Guests,” which will allow you to select a reward from the treasurer. He’ll have four items available: the two-handed mace Malmargarashno, the axe Kangrosha, the Robe of Confusion, and the Titanium Ring of Irrepressible Strength. Completing the quest will also earn you 100 experience points and trigger the quest The Poisoning of Xolgorax.

Note: In Chapter 9 you’ll be able to make at least one more selection from Otosh.

If you still have the Parcel of Candied Kosh Bunting Tongues from Chapter 1, then Otosh will offer you 50 ducats for it.

4 – Blacksmith Kulorax

Kulorax will train you in Blacksmith, Bowyer, Crossbow, Disarm Traps, and Pick Locks. He’ll also sell you some high-end Blacksmith items, including some recipes.

5 – Dornax and Watmoss

Dornax will sell you a variety to high-end weapons, and Watmoss will sell you some crafting items, including the Recipe for Burn Ointment.

6 – Simbeard

When you talk to Simbeard, you’ll learn that he’s a writer and that he’s working on a Guide to Murolosh. He’ll then ask you to assist him by forming an opinion about some of the shops and merchants in the city. If you agree to help him out, then you’ll trigger the quest “The Travel Guide.”

To help Simbeard with his research, you’ll need to shop with Aldessia (#9), Dornax the Weaponer (#5), Innkeeper Bashurr (#2), Merchant Momplosh (#10), and Merchant Watmoss (#5). You’ll receive 20 experience points at each shop, and then you’ll receive 50 more experience points when you report in to Simbeard, regardless of what you tell him.

7 – Marimrosha Sisters

The four sisters are Felika (#7), Darelitta (#7a), Diota (#7b), and Fadelika (#7c). Any of the sisters can give you the quest “An Unfortunate Inheritance,” although for some of them you might need to use a social talent to get them to open up to you. When you finally get the story, you’ll learn that the sisters each inherited a piece of jewelry from their mother, but they didn’t get the piece that they wanted, and since none of them talk to each other, they’re stuck with jewelry that they don’t like.

To help out the sisters, you should first talk to Darelitta (#7a). She’s the only one who will give up her piece of jewelry, although you might have to pay her a deposit of 10 ducats for it unless you have enough prowess in Fast Talk or Seduce. You’ll then need to visit each of the sisters to trade them the piece of jewelry they want for the one they currently have. The correct order for this is Darelitta, Diota (#7b), Felika (#7), Fadelika (#7c), and then back to Darelitta.

When you return to Darelitta she’ll give you your deposit back (if necessary), and she’ll reward you with Instructions for Marimrosha’s Ironwood Crossbow. You’ll also earn 70 experience points.

Note: At #7c you’ll also meet Miner Lulosh. He’s involved in the quest The Collapsed Tunnel.

8 – Miner Gandor

Miner Gandor is involved in the quest The Collapsed Tunnel.

9 – Aldessia

Aldessia will have a small selection of armor and weapons for sale. She’s also involved in the quests “The Travel Guide” (see #6) and Aldessia.

Pick Pocketing Note: Aldessia will drop 8 ducats, 10 Lockpicks, and a Silk Keffiyeh.

10 – Momplosh and Gnorblash

Momplosh will sell you a variety of high-end dwarven armor, including Dwarven Plate Armor. Gnorblash will train you in just about every combat talent.

11 – Miner Tshomm

Miner Tshomm is involved in the quest The Collapsed Tunnel.

12 – Salina’s Room

You won’t be able to enter this room until you’ve triggered the quest The Scrap of Cloth.

13 – Locked Door

This door leads to a secret passage, which you’ll only need to explore if you end up losing the trial (covered in Suspicion Falls on a Friend).

14 – Overman Fenmural

Overman Fenmural is involved in the quest The Collapsed Tunnel.

15 – Tunnel to the Mushroom Garden

You’ll need to explore the Mushroom Garden during the quest The Poisoning of Xolgorax. Inside the garden you’ll meet Grimbolosh, who will ask you to kill some giant scorpions. If you agree to this task then you’ll trigger the quest “Pest Control.” For killing the 18 scorpions in the garden you’ll receive 50 experience points and 10 Dragon’s Spit Traps.

16 – Shaft Sweeper Endrosh

Shaft Sweeper Endrosh is involved in the quest The Collapsed Tunnel.

17 – Temple

You’ll meet Devotee Lugosh in front of the temple. He’s involved in the quests The Poisoning of Xolgorax, Suspicion Falls on a Friend, The Poisoned Beer, and The Yellow Liquid.

You’ll never be allowed inside the temple.

18 – Beer Storeroom

You’ll need to explore this storeroom during the quest The Poisoned Beer.

19 – Grazima’s Storage

You’ll need to visit this storage room during the quest The Plague of Lice.

20 – Aldessia’s Chambers

You won’t be allowed into these chambers until the end of the chapter.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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