Ferdok (Chapter 5) – Drakensang: The Dark Eye Location

This guide is an overview of a certain area from Chapter 5 in Drakensang: The Dark Eye. In it, you’ll find a map, legend, and overview of the points of interest.

overview 5 ferdok

1 – Temple of Hesinde
2 – Hugo and Gunelda
3 – Ardo’s Residence
4 – Firefly Eggs
5 – Pagel Babek
6 – Wealthy Man
7 – Laran Dykemiller
8 – Crooked Otto
9 – Gate Guard


  • A – Gate between Praios Square and Wagoner’s Home.
  • B – Gate between Praios Square and Ugdan Harbor.
  • C – Gate between Praios Square and the Ducal Citadel.
  • D – Gate between Wagoner’s Home and Ugdan Harbor.
  • E – Gate between Ugdan Harbor and the Ducal Citadel.
  • W – World exit.


1 – Temple of Hesinde

This is where you’ll start in the chapter.

2 – Hugo and Gunelda

When you approach this spot (#2), you’ll see Hugo lying on the ground, the victim of a short fall. If you talk to Gunelda next to him, then she’ll ask you to help. “You have to fetch the healer before it’s too late for poor Hugo. He might die if he tries to stand up now!” If you agree to help, then you’ll trigger the quest “The Worried Old Woman.”

You’ll find the healer, a Devotee of Peraine, in the Ducal Citadel (#2a). When you tell him what happened, you’ll receive 15 experience points, and the devotee will inform you that Hugo falls down a lot, and that Gunelda always overreacts. He’ll then suggest that you take Hugo some Golmoon Tea but tell Gunelda that it’s a magic cure. If you don’t have any Golmoon Tea, then you can buy some from Dolmur right next to the devotee.

When you take the Golmoon Tea to Hugo, you’ll receive 15 experience points, and Hugo will get up and head off to work.

3 – Ardo’s Residence

You’ll find Novice Nottel and Rakorium living in the residence now.

4 – Firefly Eggs

You’ll find five giant firefly eggs in Wagoner’s Home. When you destroy the first one, a resident will pop up and thank you for protecting the district — but then he’ll add that he’s seen four more eggs. If you agree to take care of them, then you’ll trigger the quest “The Giant Firefly Eggs.”

To complete the quest, all you’ll need to do is destroy the remaining eggs. You’ll get 10 experience points for each egg. You won’t get any extra reward at the end of the quest.

5 – Pagel Babek

If you chose the Neisbecks in Chapter 3, then Babek will have some new tasks for you to complete. See the quest For a Handful of Ducats for more information.

6 – Wealthy Man

When you talk to the wealthy man (#6), he’ll tell you that he left his Snuff Box with Miss Iriana (#6a), and he’ll ask you to retrieve it. If you have enough prowess in Human Nature, then you’ll suss out that Iriana is a prostitute, which is why the man can’t get it himself. If you agree to help him, then you’ll trigger the quest “The Snuffbox.”

When you reach Iriana, you’ll find her in a heated discussion with a sleazy fellow, and she’ll ask you for your help. You’ll have two options for this — to intimidate the fellow, or to beat him up. You’ll get 5 experience points for the former and nothing for the latter. Regardless of your choice, when the sleazy fellow leaves, Iriana will agree to give you the Snuff Box.

Note: You can also steal the Snuff Box from Iriana.

When you return to the wealthy man, you’ll find a wealthy woman (his wife) with him. If you’re cagey and return the Snuff Box to the wealthy man without revealing where you got it from, then you’ll receive 15 experience points and 1 ducat. If you let slip about Iriana, then you’ll only receive 15 experience points. If you successfully use Fast Talk during the conversation, then you’ll earn 5 extra experience points.

7 – Laran Dykemiller

If you chose the Stoerrebrandts in Chapter 3, then Dykemiller will have some new tasks for you to complete. See the quest For a Handful of Ducats for more information.

8 – Crooked Otto

Otto will have a rock goblin for sale — for the low, low price of 50 ducats! If you buy the rock goblin, then it will appear in the basement of Ardo’s residence (#3), and eventually it will burrow into the wall and reveal a secret cellar. Inside the cellar you’ll find a chest containing three Easter Egg items: a Grab Bag, an Aloha Shirt, and a False Beard.

9 – Gate Guard

“Ooohhh… I can’t hold on much longer!”

When you talk to the gate guard, he’ll ask you to watch the gate while he attends to some urgent business elsewhere. If you agree to help, then you’ll trigger the quest “Changing of the Guard,” and the gate guard will give you the descriptions of three people who aren’t allowed in the city.

Of course, when the gate guard leaves, three people will show up, and they’ll match the descriptions. With at least 10 ranks in Streetwise or Human Nature, you’ll figure out that the first two people are innocent, but that the third is the con artist known as “the Vixen.” As long as you prevent the Vixen from entering the city, you’ll earn 20 experience points when the gate guard returns. You’ll also earn 5 experience points for each time that you successfully use a social skill.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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