Ducal Citadel – Drakensang: The Dark Eye Location

This guide is an overview of a certain area from Chapter 3 in Drakensang: The Dark Eye. In it, you’ll find a map, legend, and overview of the points of interest.

overview 3 ducalcitadel

1 – Ducal Residence
2 – Market
3 – Dwarf Triplets
4 – Town House
5 – Finecoin the Huckster
6 – Barracks Courtyard
7 – Temple of Rondra
8 – Shady Character
9 – Crooked Otto
10 – Ugin
11 – Master Fluxosh
12 – Merchant Harpel and Merchant Viola
13 – Master Magnosh
14 – The Golden Lance
15 – Gate to the Dwarf Quarter


  • A – Exit to Praios Square.
  • B – Exit to Ugdan Harbor.
  • W – World exit.


In this chapter, with the murders (mostly) behind you, you’ll be summoned to the Temple of Hesinde (in Praios Square), where you’ll be asked to find the three pieces of the Voice of the Oracle in the temple catacombs. This is covered in the quest entry for Preparation for the Dragon Quest. You’ll then learn more about the Dragon Quest, which will span the rest of the campaign.

Also in this chapter, you’ll find some new things to do in Ferdok, including a job for the Guild of Thieves (A Question of Honor), a quest to exterminate the rats beneath the Ferdok Brewery (The Plague of Rats), and a jailbreak for Dranor (Salina’s Request).

1 – Ducal Residence

This is where you’ll start out in the chapter. You’ll meet Duke Growin and Regent Dariana inside. Near the entrance you’ll also find a locked chest containing an Obscure Letter, a Rapier, and 10 ducats.

The first time that you leave the ducal residence, you’ll run into a dwarf named Muddlemosh, who you’ll learn is the caretaker for Ardo’s residence. During the ensuing conversation, you’ll invite him to stay on as caretaker, and you’ll trigger the quest “The House.” Then when you finally make it over to the residence (in Praios Square), you’ll complete the quest and earn 20 experience points.

Pick Pocketing Note: Duke Growin will drop a Blacksmith’s Hammer and more.

2 – Market

You’ll meet no less than ten merchants in the market, and so you’ll find plenty of things to buy. You’ll also meet a few people who will want to talk to you:

  • Alchemist Auralia. You might remember meeting her in Avestrue. When you talk to her now she’ll give you the quest The Recipe for the Potion of Power, which will eventually lead to you being able to recruit her into your party. Auralia will also sell you some Alchemy items (including recipes), and she’ll train you in Alchemy, Arcane Lore, Balm of Healing, Clarum Purum, Light in the Darkness, Plant Lore, and Treat Poisons.

  • Ferdock City Watchman. When you talk to him, he’ll tell you that the fountain in the market isn’t working, and that he can’t find Master Ugosh the town engineer. If you agree to help him, then you’ll trigger the quest “The Broken Fountain,” and he’ll lead you down into a small section of the sewers.

    In the sewers, you’ll find five levers and a winch. To start the water flowing again, you’ll need to raise or lower the levers to the correct positions, and then turn the winch. If you consider the levers from left to right, then the correct positions are up, down, down, up, down. That is, the two levers with steam coming out of them should be up, and the others should be down.

    When you get the water flowing again, Master Ugosh will come storming into the room wanting to know who turned on the water while he was cleaning the pipes, and you and the watchman will beat a hasty retreat. However, for your efforts you’ll receive 20 experience points and 2 thalers.

  • Horasisian Merchant Floris. He’ll offer you 5 ducats for your Parcel of Candied Kosh Bunting Tongues, if you still have it.

  • Merchant Danko. He’ll tell you that he hasn’t been able to replenish his stock because of the closure of the city, and that with nothing to sell, he’s slowly been running out of money. Despite sounding like a possible quest, you won’t be able to do anything to help him.

3 – Dwarf Triplets

The dwarf triplets will want to play a shell game with you. If you watch carefully, then you should be able to win the first time, but every time after that you’ll lose. However, with enough Human Nature, you’ll detect that the dwarves are cheating, and they’ll give you your money back. This will earn you 20 experience points, and the triplets will leave for Praios Square.

4 – Town House

This is the townhouse where you rescued Archivist Loisane during the quest Murders in Ferdok. You won’t be able to do much in there now.

5 – Finecoin the Huckster

6 – Barracks Courtyard

This is where you’ll find Barla Borkensmith and Sergeant Erland. Borkensmith won’t have anything new to say to you, but Erland will train you in Aimed Throw, Armor Use I, Armor Use II, Defensive Combat I, Dodge, Endurance I, Feint, Fencing Weapons, Knock Down, Master Parry, Mighty Blow, Offensive Combat I, Power Throw, Roundhouse, Shield Use I, Shield Use II, Spears, Staves, Streetwise, Swords, Two-Handed Axes/Maces, and Two-Handed Swords.

Pick Pocketing Note: Borkensmith and Erland will each drop 1 ducat and more.

7 – Temple of Rondra

When you arrive at the temple, you’ll find a notice on the door listing it as “closed for the foreseeable future.” You won’t be able to enter it until later.

8 – Shady Character

You’ll only be able to use the shady character after you’ve joined the Guild of Thieves. Then he’ll sell you some rogue items, including Lockpicks and a Finger Blade.

9 – Crooked Otto

Otto will sell you Alchemy items, and he’ll also have some unique items. During this chapter you’ll be able to buy up to four chickens from him for 5 ducats each (after that he’ll tell you that you’ll need documentation to prove that your house is big enough to fit more, but there isn’t any way to do this). The chickens will appear in the garden of Ardo’s residence in Praios Square, but as far as we can tell, they won’t actually do anything other than wander around aimlessly.

10 – Ugin

You’ll find Ugin here (#10) hiding in a barrel behind a bush. If you talk to him, then you’ll learn that a huge dog attacked his chickens, and while he was defending them his beard got ripped off, and now he is too embarrassed to be seen. If you agree to help him, then you’ll trigger the quest “The False Beard.”

You’ll find the dog to the southeast (#10a). When you kill it, it will drop a Thick Fur Pelt, and you’ll receive 20 experience points. Then when you deliver the pelt to Ugin, so he can use it as a beard, you’ll receive 3 ducats and 5 more experience points. “By Ingerimm, I’m so happy! I need to drink to this.”

11 – Master Fluxosh

Master Fluxosh is a blacksmith. He’ll sell you some Blacksmith items (including recipes and a Blacksmith’s Hammer), and he’ll also teach you Blacksmith, Disarm Traps, and Pick Locks.

12 – Merchant Harpel and Merchant Viola

These merchants won’t have much to sell. They’re involved in the quest Salina’s Request.

13 – Master Magnosh

Master Magnosh will sell you a variety of Bowyer items (including recipes), and he’ll also teach you Aimed Shot, Bowyer, Crossbow, Marksman, and Master Crossbowman.

14 – The Golden Lance

There isn’t any way to enter this tavern.

15 – Gate to the Dwarf Quarter

You won’t be allowed through this gate at any time during the campaign.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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