Aldessia – Drakensang: The Dark Eye Quest

In this guide, you will find a map, legend, and walkthrough for the respective quest in Chapter 8 of Drakensang: The Dark Eye.


1 – Aldessia
2 – Portal


  1. Entrance to Aldessia’s Chambers.


You’ll trigger this quest either after winning the trial (covered in Suspicion Falls on a Friend) or after breaking Salina out of prison (covered in Salina’s Rescue).


With the king finally aware that it was Aldessia who committed the crimes against Murolosh, you’ll need to confront her in her chambers (Exit A). Aldessia (#1) won’t want to be arrested, and she’ll summon two stone golems and then attack you.

Aldessia is sort of a pushover. She won’t cast any spells or anything. She’ll just try to hit you with her fists. So you can put your weakest fighter on her, or ignore her altogether, and concentrate on the golems.

The stone golems are big and tough melee fighters, but they’re not complicated. They’ll just swing their arms around and sometimes hit multiple people and knock them down. So focus on one golem at a time, and kill them as quickly as possible. You’ll receive 50 experience points at the conclusion of the battle, and you’ll automatically pick up Plated Shoes of Fire.

Once the dust has settled, Prince Arom and High Priest Xolgorax will come into the room, and they’ll notice that Aldessia dug up some sort of portal (#2). To complete the quest (and the chapter) you’ll just need to head through it. Doing so will earn you 50 experience points.

Note: Before going through the portal, be sure to loot the chests and corpses in the room. You’ll find money, traps and weapons (including the sword Nightwind) in the chests, and you’ll find a Ring of Agility and 2 ducats on Aldessia’s corpse.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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