A Question of Honor – Drakensang: The Dark Eye Quest

In this guide, you will find a map, legend, and walkthrough for the respective quest in Chapter 3 of Drakensang: The Dark Eye.


1 – Thieves Guild
2 – First Ladder
3 – Bridge (Upper Level)
4 – Second Ladder
5 – Lighted Part of Warehouse


  1. Entrance to the Dark Eye warehouse.


You’ll receive this quest from Cano, the master of the Guild of Thieves (#1).


Cano will tell you that the Thieves Guild was planning to steal Growin’s Hammer, but that the Dark Eyes used the guild’s own diversion to steal it for themselves. He’ll then announce that the guild must steal it back, and he’ll ask you to do the job. However, he’ll insist that no violence be used, and so you’ll have to sneak in and out of the Dark Eye warehouse (Exit A) to get the hammer, and you’ll only be able to bring one companion with you. Obviously, if you’re not playing a rogue yourself, then you should take a rogue companion (such as Gladys or Dranor) with you.

When you reach the Dark Eye warehouse (Exit A), you’ll witness the guard out front leaving his post, and then Cano’s man Goldtooth Yallik will show up. Yallik will make sure that you only have one companion with you, and he’ll let you inside. Entering the warehouse will earn you 25 experience points.

Inside the warehouse, you’ll need to keep quiet. You won’t actually fail the quest if you’re discovered, but the Dark Eyes inside will kill you easily if they discover you. So be sure to turn on sneak mode. From what we can tell, actually being skilled in Sneak isn’t necessary. As long as you’re in sneak mode, you won’t be seen.

To find the hammer, you’ll first need to pick open up some of the chests and crates in the warehouse ($). They’ll all have difficulties of 5 or less, and so they should be easy to unlock. Once you’ve opened enough of them, a cut scene will start up. A pair of Dark Eyes will talk to each other for a bit, and then one of them will put up a ladder (#2).

Next you should climb up the ladder and locate the bridge (#3). If you attack it and knock it down, then the Dark Eyes in the lighted part of the warehouse (#5) will come out to investigate, and you’ll be able to use the second ladder (#4) to climb down behind them. If you try to enter the lighted part of the warehouse at any other time, then the Dark Eyes there will see you, regardless of how well you can sneak.

You’ll find Growin’s Hammer in the locked crate in the lighted part of the warehouse (#5). When you pick it up you’ll receive 25 experience points. Then when you exit the warehouse (by simply reversing the route you took to get to the hammer), Yallik will accept the hammer from you, and he’ll reward you with Gloves of Shadow. You’ll also receive 100 experience points. Cano won’t give you any further reward.

1 – Thieves Guild

2 – First Ladder

3 – Bridge (Upper Level)

4 – Second Ladder

5 – Lighted Part of Warehouse


  1. Entrance to the Dark Eye warehouse.
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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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