Book of the Serpent

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Oh All-Knowing One, Most Wise, Mother of Wisdom, Mistress of the Six Arts. Oh Hesinde. We pay Thee homage, so that Thou mayest permit us to walk all paths safely with all Thy gifts.

Given with my own hands, Thebania of Gareth, in the year 968 to 991 BF […]

The Legend of the Adamantine Heart

[…] I have now succeeded in recovering some paltry knowledge about the mysterious Dragon Quest, a nearly forgotten ritual of the Hesinde Church, and record it in this book.

247 BF: Voice from the Mountain

And so it has been told that a voice from the mountain spoke to our sisters and brothers of the Adamantine Heart’s existence for the first time – riddle of the gods and Alveran’s greatest treasure.

Was it the Master of the Forge himself who spoke to those who stood close to the gods and entranced both sisters and brothers alike with his divine voice? A great deal of mystery remained regarding the words and visions imparted by the voice, and about the nature of the Adamantine Heart that was to be sought – for it was able to do no less than control the power of the Alveran battlements on Dere, was able to pledge riches, good fortune and immortality!

248 BF: The Giant’s Shield

The mystery of the voice from the mountain had not yet been solved when a one-eyed giant came to the humans and gave them a statue of the Ancient Dragon Umbracor (one of the Guardians of the Balance) in three parts, along with the golden shield that was to protect the Champion of the Quest from that day forward.

But the giant tarried only a moment and spoke in tongues that we didn’t understand. Yet we built a temple there, where the city of Ferdok now stands, to honor him, in order to await further messages.

249 BF: First Dragon Quest

And so it came to pass that the three parts of the dragon merged in a wondrous way to form a whole, and we were made aware of the Miracle of Hesinde.

And the voice spoke to us, that the bravest and most honorable champions among the populace gather together so that it could choose which one should be the the future Dragon Quest Challenger.

And the contenders came, and the oracle chose Wernisholde of the Mountain to be the first Dragon Quest Challenger.

But she failed. Thus, the enigma surrounding the Adamantine Heart remained veiled, and the shield without a bearer.

336 BF: Second Dragon Quest

In the 87th year following the first revelation and a long silence, the oracle spoke to us once again to send a champion to solve the mystery.

And the miracle took place anew, and the oracle chose Ucuriane the Great.

It was said that she had battled scaled fiends and ancient monsters, but the final task sent her to Rondra’s Table.

The shield of the one-eyed giant still had no bearer, the Heart remained hidden.

423 BF: Third Dragon Quest

And in the 87th year the miracle took place once more, and the oracle chose Fendral the Swift to become the Dragon Quest Challenger.

And Fendral set out and slew the dragon Silgore, and won the shield upon passing the three trials. The shield was forthwith called the Shield of Fendral in his honor. And Fendral set out as the Dragon Quest Challenger to secure the Adamantine Heart, but he was not able to unlock the secret of its whereabouts before his death.

Thus the shield was returned to the temple until another would be found to unravel the riddle.

510 BF: Fourth Dragon Quest

And the oracle chose Orianna Goldwing to be Dragon Quest Challenger, but Orianna failed, and so the shield remained orphaned

597 BF: Fifth Dragon Quest

And the oracle named Argelion Serpenttrue, a saint dedicated to our goddess, to become Dragon Quest Challenger.

The Archsaint endured many ominous dangers, but it was the dark time of the Magic Wars, and peril lurked everywhere. Much learning was lost in those times. It was said that Argelion Serpenttrue had come very close to discovering the secret, but an evil lizard lady thwarted his pursuit, and the Heart remained lost.

684 BF: Sixth Dragon Quest

And the oracle named Agoram Son of Artosham of the Anvil Dwarves as Dragon Quest Challenger.

And Agoram got closer to the Adamantine Heart than any before him: He found the mysterious Helm of Fire – perhaps it was even a companion piece of the golden shield? Only oral legends tell of this helmet, for Agoram vanished without a trace during his quest, even before he could take up the shield.

771 BF: Seventh Dragon Quest

And the oracle chose Losiane Galahan of Kuslik as Dragon Quest Challenger, but she was torn to shreds in battle against the beast Mal’Ghorha, und thus the shield remained orphaned.

858 BF: Eighth Dragon Quest

And the oracle named Sword King Kordos to be the Dragon Quest Challenger.

Kordos fought with the shield for the rest of his life, but he was never able to find the Heart. And so the shield remained without a bearer for another 87 divine cycles.

945 BF: Ninth Dragon Quest

And so the oracle designated Knight Roderick of the Silver Falls as Dragon Quest Challenger.

And hope was rekindled after such a long time, for Roderick found the Dragon’s Eye! We rejoiced in having found a worthy Challenger after so many years! But a fierce blaze destroyed the temple and all its treasures and chronicles, and Knight Roderick was said to have been successful in saving only the Eye from the flames and taking it to a secret hiding place.

The Search for the Adamantine Heart

Even today, it is said, the Dragon’s Eye has turned its gaze toward the Adamantine Heart – but alas, it is lost, as are the shield, helmet, oracle and Heart, themselves, and so the secret will most likely remain buried forever.

I believe, however, that Knight Roderick set forth without the Shield of Fendral and took the Eye with him to Grimtooth Castle for safekeeping, where the Silver Falls bloodline still maintains its family seat. Does the family still safeguard the artifact that is the key to the Adamantine Heart?

It has come to my ears that the shield was also rescued and has been found. But many, many years are to pass – until the year 1032 BF – before the oracle of the Ancient Dragon Umbracor will speak again, to designate the Dragon Quest Challenger and show the hero or heroine the way to the Adamantine Heart …

Where to Find:
    • Blood Mountains (Fortress Ruins) — found on a cultist’s desk

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