Alvina’s Diary

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Equipment – Miscellaneous (Book)

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Meeting with Danos

Today I met Danos again. He is just sooo fabulous, I would love to spend every minute of the day with him! Just let my sisters bad-mouth us as much as they want, I’ll simply ignore their taunts and remarks. A simple-minded pretty boy – in a pig’s eye! I would sooner say he is the man I want for the rest of my life! Oh, I can already picture us standing in front of the altar …

Danos, that traitor!

I hate him, that vile, nasty toad! How is it possible for a single person to be so utterly vulgar and without taste? I mean, who in his right mind would leave a woman like me just to go out with that simple-minded farm girl Firniane – such a silly goose of a woman! Oh, what am I saying? Woman is even too high praise for her! Danos is nothing more than a vile little warty toad – and everyone else should see him that way. From now on pretty boy Danos will go through life as a puny little toad. Serves him right!

I simply cannot do it

Why, oh why, am I so weak? He hasn’t earned my pity in the least bit, the scoundrel! But every time I see him, I just don’t have the heart to mete out his just punishment. Just yesterday I tried to turn him into a toad again, but no, Alvina backed down once more. Hell and damnation! How I detest love – why can’t I simply forget about him? Satuaria, help me!

Where to Find:
    • Blood Mountains — found in chest at Alvina’s camp

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