The Emblems of the Four Winds/What’s in the Box? – Drakensang: The River of Time

This Guide is for a quest in Nadoret for Drakensang: The River of Time. It’s complete with a map, map legend, and overview of the varying points of interest.

drakensang the river of time the emblems of the four winds whats in the box map

1 – Guardsmen
2 – Distract the Overseer
3 – Convince the Floozy
4 – Guild of Thieves


Thief Odila in the Nadoret Guild of Thieves will give you the quest, the Emblems of the Four Winds, once you get inside with Cano, or once you’ve finished your training as a rogue character. Dilga Panek will give you the quest What’s in the Box? These quests serve as an extended final training for Deonts of Phex, but are available to all characters.

1 – Guardsmen

Each of the guardsmen at one of the city gates holds one of the emblems of the wind. Pickpocket them off them.

2 – Distract the Overseer

The box is being guarded by an overseer. A bit of observation will have you note she is unhappy with her worker, who keeps being distracted by a nearby floozy.

3 – Convince the Floozy

Get the floozy to distract the worker, either by paying her a hefty 5D or passing a Fast Talk check. Then report to the overseer that her worker went off with the floozy for 10AP. Look into the box for a further 10AP. You never get to see what’s in it but your character knows.

4 – Guild of Thieves

Upon completion of The Emblems of the Four Winds, Odila will send you to Dilga for your reward. It is 20AP and the ability to learn A Better Offer as a deont. Non-deonts get the Ornate Magic Gloves instead.

Upon completion of What’s in the Box?, Report back to Dilga Panek for 20AP and an Elixer of Dexterity. Deonts of Phex can now learn Divinity Intervention and Stardust from her.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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