Rat Catcher – Drakensang: The River of Time

This Guide is for a quest in Nadoret for Drakensang: The River of Time. It’s complete with a map, map legend, and overview of the varying points of interest.

drakensang the river of time rat catcher map

1 – Townman Kostman
2 – Dead Mercenary
3 – Papa Ratzi the Boss Rat
4 – Exit to Nadoret


After you have completed the Mad Beekeeper quest, you can encounter another mad breeder, Townsman Kostman, near the harbor. Some social skills will get the truth out of him: he’s been breeding dangerously large rats.

1 – Townman Kostman

Provides you with the quest. He’s not kidding about it being fairly dangerous, so only go in well-prepared and when you’re around level 4-5.

2 – Dead Mercenary

The previous group Kostman hired. The corpses contain:
– 8D 7T 3F, 2x Oneberry Juice, 5x Simple Bandages, Fur Arm Greaves
– 7T 4F, 5x Simple Bandages, Top Boots
– 1D 5F, 5x Simple Bandages, Top Boots
– 9T 5F, Short Sword, 5x Simple Bandages, Top Boots

3 – Papa Ratzi the Boss Rat

Reaching this point nets you 5AP. Here you encounter the Rat King, Papa Ratzi. He has a massive 400 VI, constantly summons rats to aid him, and his attacks cause wounds and severe gangrene. The fight nets you 125 AP. Papa Ratzi drops a Ring of Endurance.

4 – Exit to Nadoret

As you exit you run into the town guard, who notify you that they already arrested the rat breeder and pay you 1D for your troubles.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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