This Guide covers an area in Drakensang: The River of Time. It’s complete with a map, map legend, and overview.
After Ardo is healed, your companions finally reveal the true nature of their quest: to find Mora and get back Emperor Hal’s crown. The biggest lead you have to follow is to find the river pirates, and coincidentally you’ll have found their location during the last quest.
1 – Avarosh Goldtooth
The dwarven merchant Avarosh will accost you as soon as you try to leave your ship. If you have Elven puff on you, he will buy it off you for 20D, or 40D with a Haggle check. Jorgen at #7 will pay you more.
A Human Nature or Haggle (12D) check will have Avarosh inform you captain Hookensang brought her in, but if you need more info you need to talk to Captain Thunderfist. To get to meet her you’ll have to gain the trust of himself, Phewin “Irontaste” Soorman, Rumpo “Widowfriend” Perchbold, Timorn “Hookensang” of Stoneground and Jadira “Bardshock” Cruento.
To gain Goldtooth’s favor, first he has you collect debts: Growler Bodo owes him 12D, Radomir owes him 11D and Snow Rose owes him 8D
Returning with the money nets you 100AP. He will then send you to his Delving (exit E) to check it out, as it is haunted, see The Strange Haunting for more details.
Pick pocketing notes: Goldtooth is carrying 11D 2T 2F and Water of Accuracy.
2 – Natter Buzzard
Natter will accost you and question you. Just lie to him, he will generally fail his Human Nature checks.
3 – Captain Burgess
Burgess is the man who knocked you out at the Campsite, at the very beginning of the game. Since then, he’s had a series of misfortunes happen to him. Add another by beating him up
4 – Snow Rose
Fast Talk or Seduce (for males) to get her to pay up her 8D and gain 100AP. Afterwards, you can get information from her on Soorman and Avarosh for 2D each, but it serves no gameplay purpose.
5 – Huckster Borgus
Borgus is a merchant. He sells mostly weapons and armor, such as a Scaled Tunic, Fur Coat with Scaled Armor, and a Wyrmslayer.
6 – Bridgeman
Guards the bridge. He won’t lower it until Avarosh says so, which is after you have received your second quest from him.
7 – Bragan and Jorgen
With enough
Streetwise you can discover Bragan is a forger. When you have found your first golden emblem for the quest Bounty Hunt (likely Hookensang’s at #26), you can have Bragan forge a copy. It’ll cost 10D but this is the only way get four emblems to complete the Bounty Hunt.
Jorgen is a merchant who sells goods and information. He has a random assortment of goods including Blackened Should Guards and Mengbilar. He sells information on the pirate captains at 2D a hit but none of it seems to be particularly useful. He will buy the Elven Puff off you for 50D, which is more than you can get from Avarosh.
Pick pocketing note: Bragan is carrying a Lump of Fake Gold. This is not very valuable as any merchant can see it is fake, but it can be used to bribe Zutar (#26).
Bragan and Jorgen move to inside the Captain’s Wheel tavern after you complete the Secret Harbor.
8 – Woodapple Harad
Woodapple Harad, Quick Elvira and two river pirates hang around inside the arena. Woodapple Harad has the Rapier of Alrica Farfara. You can fight him for it or pick pocket it off him.
9 – Yapper Bodo
Yapper Bodo keeps his dogs here, which means he also serves as a guard to the Captain’s Wheel’s rear exit. To get him to pay his debts to Avarosh, pass a Fast Talk or Intimidate check. If Ardo is in your party he will compliment the dogs and no talent check is needed to have him pay his debt. Collecting the money nets you 100AP.
10 – Captain Rumpo
One of the captains whose favour you’ll need. His first request is to retrieve a snuff box from the Leti’s room in the Captain’s Wheel. To get past Yapper Bodo, Rumpo suggests claiming to be bringing in some schnapps.
Bringing him back the correct snuff box (#14) nets you 4D and 150AP, and he will then tell you he also needs you to help Alrico Farfara (#15).
Once you have helped Farfara, wait for him to walk to Rumpo and talk to him. Then talk to Rumpo to get his vote, 100AP and unlock him as a trainer.
Captain Rumpo can teach you Offensive Combat I, Offensive Combat II, Mighty Blow, Knock Down, Taunt, Endurance I, Armor Use I.
11 – Leti’s Room
Leti will be in here when you come looking for Rumpo’s Snuff Box. If she catches you, a Fast Talk or Seduce check or a payment of 7D 5T will have her give you the snuff box.
But the ideal path is to sneak your entire group into Jahira’s Chambers, Leti will then leave for the cellar, then sneak into her chamber and take the snuff box.
12 – Chest
Chest containing 1D 3T 6F, Rolling Pin, Stiletto, Opulent Dress.
13 – Chest
Chest containing 11x Simple Bandages, Red Leather Pants, Cloth Shirt and the quest item Snuffbox. Picking it up nets you 50AP. This isn’t Rumpo’s snuffbox, so he’ll send you back if this is the one you brought back. This snuffbox belongs to Avarosh, he will buy it off you for 10D.
14 – Chest and Casket
Behind a locked door is a chest containing a Strong Schnapps and the quest item Pipe and a casket containing 9x hair pins and the quest item Snuffbox. Picking it up nets you 50AP.
The pipe belongs to Hookensang. Return it to him for 3AP or 10D or 20D (there are no Talent checks to drive up the blackmail).
15 – Decorative Pot
Contains storeroom key. It opens the door to #14 if you lack the skill to pick the lock.
16 – Boatman Farfara
Alrico Farfara has lost his rapier to a thief. Get it from Woodapple Harad (#8) and return it to Farfara for 100AP.
17 – Captain Hookensang
Hookensang’s will give you his vote in return for a favor: Matt Bravethorn (#17) is trying to discredit him and has likely stolen part of the loot.
Return to Hookensang once you’ve caught Matt Bravethorn out. You can return the loot or not, regardless you’ll get his vote and 100AP. He gives you 5D for the loot.
Be sure to let Hookensang buy you a round of Stonesoftener Schnapps, to gain the information it should not be mixed with other drinks.
18 – Matt Bravethorn
Buy Matt a round of pale ale (1T) and premm fire (2T) and he’ll stumble off drunk. This nets you 20AP. Sneak after him to Boron’s Field (#18).
19 – Boron’s Field
Matt pauses at a gravestone in the north. If you followed him to here without getting noticed you get 20AP. He’ll then attack you. Reduce him to 1/6th of the loot and he’ll admit he stole the treasure. Pick it up from the loose stones at the foot of the grave for 20AP.
20 – Captain Soorman
You can not talk to him until you have helped his bosun, Ship’s Orc Zutar (#25). You can not get his vote until you have every other pirate captain’s vote.
Once you have everyone’s vote, Soorman will give you a confidential message to take to Big Nose Barnabus (#35). This nets you 50AP. Open the letter to find out it say to kill you, netting you 20AP. If you confront Soorman about this he’ll just tell you to visit Barnabus anyway as it is intended to be a test of your combat mettle.
When you’ve proved your mettle, Soorman will tell you he wishes you to kill captain Thunderfist. Whether you accept or not, he gives you permission to go to the Hammerberg Caves (exit D), netting you 100AP.
21 – Barmaid Leti
She walks around the tavern selling Nadoret Double Bock and Ferdok Pale Ale.
You can ask her about Radomir, the Tavern King. For 1D she’ll tell you he sneaks into the wine cellar and to use that information to threaten him.
22 – Bather Tremblehand
Tremblehand will heal you for 1D. He also sells Simple Bandages, Golmoon Leaf, Burn Salves and other healing items.
23 – Innkeeper Jadira
Ask Jadira about Radomir to have him appear in the tavern. She can sell you Ferdok Pale Ale and Nadoret Double Bock.
To get Jadire’s vote, she first sends you to check up on the distillery (#24). Returning with the barrel nets you 100AP and her vote.
Afterwards you can offer her your help. She wishes to win back Rumpo, for which she needs some of his hair. Talk to Rumpo and either pick pocket the hair off him. Females (including Fayris) can simply ask it off him. This nets you 20AP. Take it to Sanraya to have her make a potion for 20AP (with an alchemy check you can discover the potion is fake, as Sanraya wishes to teach Jadira that she can not win Rumpo over this way).
With enough Human Nature and Arcana Lore you can find out the reason behind Rumpo’s charm, which is his ring. You can pick pocket it off him in dialog. Bring back the potion to Jadira for 40 AP and 5D, and if you also have the ring you can give it too for 20AP and 20D. Jadira will also give female characters Jadira’s Dress upon completion of this quest.
24 – Radomir
Fast Talk, Intimidate or use the information from Barmaid Leti to get Radomir’s debt to Avarosh and 100AP. You can extort an extra 3D from him with Leti’s information.
You can also challenge Radomir for his crown as Tavern King (which he has lost). He cheats, and to beat him you must know about Softstoner Schnapps from Hookensang. First challenge him and reach the 2nd round. Then talk to Leti when she is not near Radomir and suggest adding Premm Fire. She’ll note it won’t be enough, so talk to Hookensang (after having already enjoyed a round with him) and have him buy you drinks to keep the Stonesoftener. If you killed Hookensang while helping the elves, Leti will sell you the Stonesoftener. Challenge Radomir again, and in the second round tip some Stonesoftener in his drink with a pick pocket check. You are now Tavern King, but without a crown.
Talk to Radomir and buy a round for him two times (2T per round), he’ll remember he lost his crown back at the pier near the dueling ground. Talk to Quick Elvira in the dueling ground and she will tell you one of the goblins that work for Rumpo was wearing the crown. The goblin gave it to a man whose description matches Peddler Bredo. Ask him about the village and then the goblins, then offer to take the barrel off his hands. Pay him a farthing for it to get the Tavern King’s Crown and 7AP.
If you’re wearing the Tavern King’s Crown Leti will give you one free Strong Schnapps or Ferdok Pale Ale per visit to the tavern, when you talk to Leti or Jadira.
25 – Casket
On the third shelf of the left cupboard you’ll find a small casket. It contains 1D 5F and the bathroom key, which you need to get into the bathroom (#26).
26 – Bathroom
A locked door that can not be picked. The key can be found at (#25). The bathroom contains a locked chest (which can be picked), which contains 14x Simple Bandages, 4x Soap, 13x Elven Bathing Herbs, Pointy Cloth Shoes, Lace-up Leather Pants, Blood Leech in a Jar and a Jewels of Rahja.
Hidden behind the door is a small chest. It contains 10x Oneberry, 6x Finage, 6x Belmart Leaves and Captain Hookensang’s Gold Emblem.
You can give Hookensang’s Emblem to him for 5D 2T and 8F, and then pick pocket it off him so you can still use it for the quest Bounty Hunt.
27 – Distillery
Three trolls, Ergamack (350VI), Blumack (450VI and Aumack (400VI), are drunk and attacking the distillery. You can kill them, or Fast Talk them into believing there are no sweets left, or take the salt from behind the distillery and convince them they lost their capacity to taste sweets. Getting them to leave nets you 100AP and a barrel containing high-proof alcohol to take back to Jadira.
Afterwards, with high enough Blacksmithing, you can fix the distillery for 7AP. On a later return he will give you Alcohol as a reward.
28 – Ship’s Orc Zutar
To be allowed to talk to Soorman, Zutar asks you to hunt escaped Redpelts. You’ll find the goblins at #30.
29 – Search Party
To the southwest, there are two pirates who were sent out to search for the goblins by Zutar. If you try to return this way with Yobbo, they will send you back and to the north.
To the north, there are two more pirates who were sent out to search for the goblins by Zutar. You’ll have to return this way with Yobbo, and they’ll demand you hand him over. Fast Talk, Intimidate or a 1D bribe to get them to leave you be.
30 – Yobbo and the Goblins
Yobbo is hidden in the bushes here. He will tell you a shaman has been encouraging the goblins to leave, and you can find them up the hill.
Here you have two options, either kill Reshamama, 12x goblins and 3x goblin healer. After doing this, go back with Yobbo to Zutar for 50AP and permission to talk to Soorman.
If you agree to leave Reshamama be, she will give you a Mage’s Stick, and you will get 10AP. Go back to Zutar and convince him Yobbo is the escaped goblin for 100AP, or 50AP if you fail and need the Lump of Fake Gold from Bragan (#7).
31 – Peddler Bredo
Bredo is a peddler, he sells fairly low-grade, practical goods, such as Arrows, Shot, Soap, Wood-carving Knife, Furrier’s Knife.
Bredo is also addicted to Oneberries. He’ll pay you 3F per Oneberry.
32 – Sanraya
The elf Sanraya has settled here, interested in the human world. Ask her about Alari Springborn if you have the quest Lost Treasure, and Sanraya will tell you she lost her Soul item with the Water Dragon. She’ll unlock the Water Dragon’s Lair and start Scales and Teeth, netting you 20AP. See Water Dragon’s Lair for details. Returning her Soul Instrument to her after you completed the quest nets you another 20AP and Jewels of Rahja.
She is a merchant who sells alchemic ingredients (Finage, Spring Water, Double Distillate), potions (Elixer of Dexterity, Elixer of Agility, Healing Potion, Magic Potion) and some unique goods (Silvan Elf Robe, Barburian Helmet, Ring of Titanium Strength, Instructions for Horasian Epee, Tuzak Blade).
She is also a trainer that can teach you:
Pick pocketing notes: Sanraya carries 5D 9T 5F, 3x Diamond Dust, a Hand Mirror, a Large Endurance Potion, a Large Healing Potion and Precision Scales.
33 – Hidden Treasure
Locked chest containing 16D 7T 2F, 6x Dragon Blood, 2x Endurance Potion, 7x Diamond Dust, 5x Healing Potion, 3x Olginroot, 4x Magic Potion, 6x Elixer of Courage, Lage Healing Potion.
34 – Merchang Ungram
When you first approach the delving, Ungram will warn you against entering, and drop some hints that you need to learn the bosnickel’s name, and send you to Sanraya for help. Sanraya will offer you a means to lift the curse from the dwarves for 3D or 7 Golmoon Leaves, which gets you the Depetrification Die. You get 50AP for asking her about this even if you don’t purchase the Die. For more on this quest, see The Strange Haunting.
Ungram is a merchant who sells dwarven clothing, as well as a Wyrmslayer, Instructions for a Heavy Crossbow and Instructions for Sharpened Throwing Axes.
35 – Zeke Barnabus
If you do not have the letter from Captain Soorman (#20) there’s nothing to do here. If you do, deliver it. Regardless of if you know what it says and say so to Barnabus, he will attack you, along with the wood farmer and five robbers that come storming out. They should be easy.
36 – Gateguard
The guard won’t let you pass until you have permission from Captain Soorman (#20). Being allowed past nets you 20AP, and allows you to go on to the Secret Harbor.
37 – Weapon Stand
After completing the Secret Harbor, a weapon stand appears here containing 2x Cutlass, Fish Hook, Dirk, 2-Handed Saber, Officer’s Saber.
38 – Vitold Neisbeck
You will find Vitold Neisbeck on the quest For a Few Ducats More. Fight three river pirates to free him for 30AP and an additional 7AP if you give him 10D to help him escape. On the way back to Thunderfist four dark amazons and a dark amazon leader confront and attack you. Return to Thunderfist for a final 30AP and 5x Strong Schnapps, closing the quest.
Afterwards, you can tell Ulwina (who is now near the docking spot of the Thalaria in Hammerberg) that you freed her brother for no reward, or give her the watch and tell her he’s dead for 100D. No AP is gained either way. After you’ve given her the watch, if you’re quick enough, you can pick pocket it back off her and sell it, netting you about 30D.
- Mooring spot of the Thalaria.
- To the Captain’s Wheel.
- To Hammerberg.
- To Secret Harbor.
- To Girtash’s Delving.