Complete Your Training (Rogue) – Drakensang: The River of Time

This Guide is for a quest in Nadoret for Drakensang: The River of Time. It’s complete with a map, map legend, and overview of the varying points of interest.

drakensang the river of time complete your training rogue map

1 – Dilga Panek
2 – Thief Odila
3 – Thief Bardo
4 – Thief Wenner
5 – Broad Road Robbers
6 – Locked Out Townsperson at Corner Alley
7 – Sneak Past the Patrols
8 – Break Into the Warehouse
9 – Look Around the Warehouse
10 – Follow the Goods Delivery
11 – Listen to the Conversation
12 – Slay the Wolf


  1. Exit to Nadoret.
  2. Exit to Guild of Thieves house.


Rogue type characters (Thief, burglar, Rogue, and charlatan) start out with this quest as the Complete Your Training quest. In your inventory you will find a an item that you are to take to the “Silver Vixen”, the leader of the Nadoret Guild of Thieves.

After speaking with Medicus Moddlemash in the Nadoret Caverns, Sandor will let you into the Guild of Thieves house.

1 – Dilga Panek

Dilga Panek is the Silver Vixen. She will take the item from you, and starts the quest A Novice of Phex, directing you to the room to her right.

2 – Thief Odila

Sneak up to Odila and pick her pockets for one emblem. A fast talk test follows on your attempt to pick her pockets regardless of success or failure. Succeed in either test for the emblem and 35 AP.

3 – Thief Bardo

Bardo’s task is to open the lock of the chest beside him. He will provide you with 10 hairpins. You can attempt to open the chest as many times as you like. Taking the emblem from the chest nets you 35 AP.

4 – Thief Wenner

Wenner’s task is to find and disarm a trap in the room. The trap is right in front of him. Disarm it for an emblem and 35 AP.

Regardless of how many emblems you have, you will be accepted into the guild, A Novice of Phex will be closed and your personal travel chest will become available upstairs, containing 1x Oneberry Juice, Fables from the Kosh, Locksmith Knife and Shadow Robe.

Talk to Dilga again to start on the next step, Like A Shadow. She will teach you the Pick Locks talent and transport you to the market with Bardo. Head to the harbor with him. You can encounter some events on the way there, depending on the path you take.

5 – Broad Road Robbers

Three robbers will accost you. Either pay them 2 ducats or fight them.

6 – Locked Out Townsperson at Corner Alley

A townsperson has been locked out by his wife and is making quite a noise. Offer to pick the door on his lock. Succeeding will net you 35AP and 3T or 1D with a succesful Haggle check.

7 – Sneak Past the Patrols

Two guardsmen are patrolling around this area. Avoid them or talk your way past them with a succesful Fast Talk or Seduce talent check. Getting past them without a fight nets you 35AP.

8 – Break Into the Warehouse

Pick the lock on the door for 35 AP.

9 – Look Around the Warehouse

Check the boxes. Don’t bother trying to take anything as Bardo will have you put it back. Two guardsmen, Pagol and Halden, will catch you in the act. While Pagol goes off to get the harbormaster, you can fast talk/bribe (5D) or intimidate Halden and escape for 35AP. If that fails, you will have to fight Halden and then 3 thugs to escape, netting you 35AP.

Report back for 100AP. The final quest to complete your training, Tread Softly, for which you have to head to the East Gate. Bardo will still accompany you.

10 – Follow the Goods Delivery

Bardo will follow the harbor master while you follow the two men and the bullock. Keep a steady distance. Successfully following them to the end (#12) nets you 35AP.

11 – Listen to the Conversation

Sneak onto the bridge. Their conversation will trigger as you reach the top of the bridge as long as you haven’t been discovered. This nets you 35AP. A trapper, Runko, will discover you, so you have to fight him to move on.

12 – Slay the Wolf

Following the trail of traps you will bump into Hesindiane Zoltan here. Together you must fight two wolves, one black wolf and the blood wolf.

You will automatically be given the quest item “A Letter”, but it is worthwhile to loot the dead men and bullock. It will net you: 1D 5F, 2z Silver Ring, 2x Silver Chain, 2x Horned Helmet, 2x Whetstone, 12x Tin Figure, 2x Perfume, Salty Kosh Bunting Tongues, 7x Small Bale of Cloth, Candle Holder

Return to Dilga to finish Complete Your Training and gain 100 ASP, a Ring of Phex, and to become a Deont of Phex except for the Charlatan, who as a magic user can not become a Deont. You start out knowing two miracles, Starscatter and Phex’ Favor, you can learn the three others after completing What’s in the Box? and The Emblems of the Four Winds..

For roguelike characters, this also unlocks Dilga Panek as a teacher. She can teach you:


  1. Exit to Nadoret.
  2. Exit to Guild of Thieves house.
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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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