drakensang the river of time talent picklocks

Artisan Talent

Talent Group: Special
Associated Attributes: Dexterity, Dexterity, Intuition
Category: Regular Talents
Effective Encumbrance: 0
Upgrade: B

This is the mainstay of the burglar’s craft. To open a lock without the right key, a character will usually need an appropriate tool, such as a lockpick, hair pin, or small knife. Picking a lock that has been combined with a trap will not cause the trap to be triggered. If the talent test fails, the lockpick or the improvised tool will usually be used up and the character will experience “shaky hands” for five combat rounds. This status effect will make further lock picking attempts more difficult. Hair pins and lockpicks are expended during use and must be activated via the quickslot bar. If no tool is used, the talent test is subject to a handicap of -10.

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