Fencing Weapons

drakensang the river of time talent weapon fencingweapons

Melee (1H) Talent

Talent Group: Special
Category: Combat Talents
Effective Encumbrance: 0 (EC-1)
Upgrade: E
Special Attacks Available: Offensive Combat I-III, Defensive Combat I-III, Feint, Lunge, Stormblade, Mortal Blow, Master Parry, Wall of Blades, Windmill

Fencing weapons are slim weapons of just under a pace long. They are designed almost exclusively for piercing. They often have richly ornate hilt baskets, parrying bars, or intricately turned crossguards. They are elegant and fast and, while they are considered by some to be exceedingly modern, others feel they are foolishly foppish.

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