drakensang the river of time talent spell bodyofore

Healing Talent

Spell Type: General
Cast Time: 2
Range (m): N/A
Target: Caster
Associated Attributes: Intuition, Agility, Constitution
Effect: 30% chance opponents within HtH attack range are knocked down by failed ST tests made more difficulty by (SP*/3). The spell then forms an aura within HtH attack range that lasts (10+10xSP*) seconds and causes 1D2 DP per round, those knocked down receive (SP*/2+1D6) DP instead of 1d2DP. If the opponent is immune to getting knocked down, he or she will still receive the higher damage.
Spell Cost: 8 and 8 ED
Category: Magic Talents
Upgrade: A

The geode summons the elements of the earth. Stones and smaller rocks rise from the ground and encircle him protectively. Attacking foes that get too close to the stones receive damage.

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