drakensang the river of time companion ardo

Name: Ardo
Class: Warrior
Race: Middenrealmian
Culture: Middenrealmian
Level: 8
Adventure Points: 5200
Leveling Points: 600

Ardo is a noble warrior of unshakeable moral principles. He shares many secrets with his friend Forgrimm and he favors the classic longsword, of which he is a true master. Although he dislikes fancy talk and courtly airs, he knows how to get himself out of a difficult situation with his polite and urbane manner. Anyone who has fought at his side knows the value of a well-aimed blade over a wildly-swinging axe.
He becomes available as a companion upon completing the quest Find Healing For Ardo.

Starting Attributes

  • Courage: 16
  • Cleverness: 11
  • Intuition: 12
  • Charisma: 11
  • Dexterity: 11
  • Agility: 12
  • Constitution: 15
  • Strength: 14

Base Values

  • Vitality: 45
  • Astral Energy: 0
  • Endurance: 47
  • Resist Magic: 4


  • Sword Bonus
  • Etiquette Penalty

Starting Talents
Sneak 1, Willpower 10, Perception 11, Treat Wounds 2, Etiquette 19, Human Nature 8, Fast Talk 7

Starting Combat Talents
Daggers 3, Axes and Maces 2, Sabers 2, Swords 13, Two-handed Swords 10, Brawling 8, Throwing Weapons 1

Starting Special Abilities
Mighty Blow, Feint, Blade Flurry, Offensive Combat I, Defensive Combat I, Defensive Combat II, Endurance I, Endurance II, Armor Use I, Armor Use II, Shield Fighting I, Shield Fighting II

Starting Equipment
Ardo’s Traveling Doublet, Ardo’s Travel Pants, Laced Boots, Ardo’s Gloves, Ardo’s Ancestral Sword, Ardo’s Signet Ring

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