Dragon Age: Origins

Dragon Age: Origins GamesCom Demo Previews

The Internet is home to another pair of Dragon Age: Origins previews that cover the “choice 2.0” GamesCom demonstration. First up is MMORPG.com: Unlike many games where all choices are black and white, good and evil, Dragon Age focuses on…

Dragon Age: Origins GamesCom Demo Previews

A couple more previews of BioWare’s GamesCom demonstration for Dragon Age: Origins are now available on the ‘net. First in line is The Escapist: The trek to reach the Urn is tough enough; it’s become the centerpiece for a cult…

Dragon Age: Origins Trailer

BioWare has released a new two-minute Dragon Age: Origins trailer that gives us a glimpse of the darkspawn army, our induction into the Gray Wardens, and more. This is the best trailer I’ve seen yet, simply because it covers the…

GB Feature: Dragon Age: Origins Demo Impressions

While my full preview of Dragon Age: Origins is still a couple of weeks away, tonight I’m able to share some quick impressions of the demo BioWare is showing off at this week’s GamesCom event. In addition, the first thirteen…

Mass Effect 2 Blood Dragon Armor Artwork

Hellforge managed to get their hands on some artwork showing off the Blood Dragon Armor that we’ll be receiving in Mass Effect 2 for pre-ordering Dragon Age: Origins. The stats on pre-order items never seem to be any good, though,…

EA GamesCom Press Conference Notes

Voodoo Extreme has kicked up some notes from EA’s GamesCom press conference, including a few interesting details about BioWare’s Dragon Age: Origins, Mass Effect 2, and Star Wars: The Old Republic. Dragon Age: Origins ‘¢ Follows great games like Baldur’s…

Dragon Age: Origins Dwarven Noble Preview

IGN continues their Dragon Age: Origins coverage by bringing us a closer look at the game’s Dwarven Noble origin story. The situation at the start of the game is that you’re about to be commissioned to lead the army, and…

David Gaider Wants Dragon Age: Origins Out… Now

Destructoid brings us a few more samplings of their conversation with Dragon Age: Origins lead writer David Gaider during GenCon, and the topic this time around is the game’s long gestation period. When I mentioned the delay to Gaider, he…

BioWare Blog: GenCon Indy, Part Two

BioWare community coordinator Chris Priestly wraps up his discussion of Dragon Age’s appearance at this year’s GenCon Indy in the second of two blog entries. If you read part 1 of my Gen Con blog (and if you haven’t go…

Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age: Origins at GamesCom

According to a couple of Twitter updates by BioWare’s Matt Atwood (here and here), both Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age: Origins will be playable at this week’s GamesCom and will be featured at EA’s press conference tomorrow. Teams just…