This guide will walk you through the “Orzammar Diamon Quarter”, in Dragon Age: Origins. We will go through how to go through this area, as well as any secrets you can find.
Orzammar Diamond Quarter
1 – Council Writ
When you click on the writ, you’ll gain or update the Quest-Related
codex entry for
The Key to the City. Once you’ve updated the codex entry five times, you’ll receive the quest “The Key to the City,” which will allow you to loot a cache in the Chamber of the Assembly (#6). Inside the cache you’ll find the
Key to the City. Completing the quest will also earn you 100 xp.
2 – Loilinar
Loilinar will show up here after you’ve accepted a quest from Dulin (#3) or Vartag (#6). When you approach Loilinar, you’ll witness him having an argument with
Oghren. Oghren will leave for Tapster’s Tavern (in the Orzammar Commons), but if you talk to Loilinar, then he’ll tell you more about Oghren and his wife Branka.
3 – Harrowmont’s Estate
This is where you’ll meet Dulin. He’ll try to convince you to support Harrowmont as the next king, and he’ll offer you a quest to prove your loyalty. This quest is covered in the Orzammar Commons location entry. Also in the estate you’ll find a scroll in the back bedroom. Reading it will give you the Notes
codex entry for
A Letter from King Endrin.
4 – Lady Dace
Lady Dace is involved in the quest “A Prince’s Favor: The First Task” (covered in the Orzammar Commons location).
5 – Wall Carving
If you click on the carving, then you’ll receive the Culture and History
codex entry for
House Aeducan, Shield of Orzammar.
6 – Chamber of the Assembly
When you first enter the chamber, the assembly will be in session, but the nobles will be far more concerned about Bhelen and Harrowmont than in getting any work done, and Steward Bandelor will quickly shut them down for a recess. Watching this cut scene will complete the quest “Seek out Steward Bandelor” (gained upon entering the Hall of Heroes), but you won’t get a reward for it.
The nobles of the assembly will scatter, but Steward Bandelor will remain behind. If you talk to him, then he’ll give you the quests “Vartug Gavorn” and “Dulin Forender,” unless you picked them up earlier (such as from the Captain of the Guard in the Orzammar Commons). You’ll need to complete at least one of the two quests for the main questline.
Also in the chamber you might meet Vartug, Prince Bhelen’s second-in-command. He’ll try to recruit you to Bhelen’s cause, but he’ll insist that you prove yourself first. If you agree, then you’ll receive the quest “A Prince’s Favor: The First Task” (covered in the Orzammar Commons location entry).
7 – Shaper Assistant Milldrate
Milldrate will give you the quest “Thief in the House of Learning“.
8 – Orta
Orta will give you the quest “Lost to the Memories“.
9 – Books
If you examine all of the books in the Shaperate, then you’ll gain the
codex entries for
Deep Roads,
Dwarven Faith,
In Praise of the Humble Nug,
Legion of the Dead,
Orzammar Politics,
The Legion of Steel, and
Traditional Dwarven Folk Songs.
10 – Shaper of Memories
The Shaper will tell you a little bit about Orzammar’s history, and how the dwarven caste system came into being. The Shaper is also involved in the quests “The Chant in the Deeps” (given by Brother Burkel in the Orzammar Commons) and “A Prince’s Trust: The First Task” (given by Vartag in the Orzammar Commons).
Note: If you rob the Shaper then you’ll receive a
Shaper’s Amulet.
11 – Book of Memories
The Book of Memories is involved in the quest “The Dead Caste” (covered in the
Deep Roads location entry).
12 – Wall of Memories
If you click on the Wall of Memories, then you’ll gain or update the Quest-Related
codex entry for
The Shaper’s Life. Once you’ve updated the codex entry four times (you’ll also find updates in the Orzammar Commons and the
Deep Roads), if you click on the wall again, then you’ll gain the fifth and final update for the codex entry, plus 100 xp.
13 – Locked Chest
Inside the chest you’ll find
Gloves of Diligence and
The Search for the True Prophet.
14 – Tunneling Thieves
When you reach this spot, several tunneling thieves will burst through the floor and attack you. They won’t drop anything interesting when they die.
15 – Locked Chest
Inside this chest you’ll find a
Love Letter and more. You’ll need a dozen Love Letters for the quest “Correspondence Interruptus“.
16 – Glass Phylactery
If you attempt to pick up the phylactery, then it will break, releasing a “red” revenant. When the revenant dies, it will drop a scrap of paper, and picking it up will give you or update the Notes
codex entry for
The Black Vials. There are six such phylacteries in the game, but defeating all six revenants won’t give you any sort of reward.
17 – Throne Room
If you enter the throne room before helping to name a new king, and if you examine the throne, then you’ll receive the Quest-Related
codex entry for
Caged in Stone. The codex entry is actually a riddle. If you place your three companions “in position” on the spots on the floor that make a rumbling sound (#18), and then have your main character “signal the throne” by clicking on it again, then a “red” dragon will appear and attack you. When the dragon dies, it will drop the greatsword
Ageless and perhaps more.
19 – Locked Door
You won’t be allowed past this door until you’ve helped Lord Harrowmont become king, or until you’ve gained the trust of Prince Bhelen.
20 – Vartag
After starting out in the Chamber of the Assembly (#6), Vartag will eventually move to this spot in the royal palace. He won’t have much to say to you here, but if you supported Lord Harrowmont, then when you get here and talk to him, he and the nearby royal guards will attack you.
Note: If you rob Vartag, then you’ll receive a
Champion’s Shield.
21 – Royal Bedroom
If you decide to support Prince Bhelen, then this is where you’ll meet him.
22 – Letter
If you click on the letter then you’ll gain the Notes
codex entry for
A Letter from Rica.
23 – Lady Brodens / Herbalist Widron
When you enter this chamber, you’ll see Lady Brodens moaning on the bed, and Herbalist Widron standing by her side. If you ask Widron what’s going on, then he’ll give you the quest “Exotic Methods.” He’ll tell you that Lady Brodens got poisoned — probably by a concoction meant for Harrowmont or Bhelen — and he’ll ask you to put together the antidote. Widron will then give you the
Dwarven Regicide Antidote recipe (which will go into your recipe book).
To complete the recipe, you’ll need 4
Elfroots, 2
Lifestones, 1
Flask, and 2
Concentrator Agents, and you’ll need a character with Master Herbalism. When you craft the antidote and give it to Lady Brodens, she’ll improve dramatically, and you’ll receive 150 xp. Widron won’t give you a reward.
Note: The ingredients are all fairly common. You can buy them all from Figor in the Orzammar Commons.
24 – Ambassador Suite
If you’re working on the quest “The Trial of Crows“, then you’ll meet Ambassador Gainley here, and he’ll attack you on sight. Also in the room you’ll find a book that will give you the Books and Songs
codex entry for
Trian’s Journal.