Vhenadahl: The Tree of the People

dragon age origins codex gb codex

Codex Entry – Culture and History
Entry Number 157

Installation: Base Installation

Mostly the old ways are gone. Each generation forgets a little more of the old tongue, a little more of the traditions. And the few things we keep become simple habits, the meaning long since faded. / So it is with the vhenadahl, the tree of the people. Every alienage has one, I’m told. Or they used to. When I was a little girl, my mother told me the tree was a symbol of Arlathan, but not even she knew more. Keeping the vhenadahl is just a habit, now. Many cities have let theirs wither and die, then chopped them up for firewood. No great loss. / –Sarethia, hahren of the Highever Alienage.


  • Denerim Elven Alienage – Received upon inspection of Alienage Tree sign
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