The Mages’ Collective

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Codex Entry – Quest-Related
Entry Number 321

Installation: Base Installation

Despite the Loyalists’ grasp on the mages’ political community, many Libertarians and Aequitarians have begun to see eye to eye with respect to the Chantry’s role in a mage’s daily life. A growing number of mages, particularly those whose magic never strays from the Maker’s mandate, feel that the Chantry’s constant oversight is a burden upon their creativity and their very will, and one that hinders their ability to do their work. / These mages, along with a number of hedge wizards who work their arts outside the Chantry’s influence, have formed a shadow-guild of sorts, a mages’ collective, wherein members can submit requests and have them seen to without judgment. This collective manages to work in relative secrecy, their members discreet and their clients anonymous. As of yet, this collective has seen no sanction from the templars, and there has been no sign that its members are practicing magic of which the Maker would not approve. / Still, practicing magic outside of the influence of the Chantry is a dream for some and a dangerous notion for others, and many believe that it is only a matter of time before the veil of secrecy is lifted and the mages’ collective is brought to swift and brutal justice. / –From A Treatise on Magic and Politics, by First Enchanter Josephus.


  • Denerim Market District – Received after conversation with Mages’ Collective Liaison
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