The Dalish Elves

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Codex Entry – Culture and History
Entry Number 114

Installation: Base Installation

In time, the human empires will crumble. We have seen it happen countless times. Until then, we wait, we keep to the wild border lands, we raise halla and build aravels and present a moving target to the humans around us. We try to keep hold of the old ways, to relearn what was forgotten. / We call to the ancient gods, although they do not answer and have not heard us since before the fall of Arlathan, so that one day they might remember us: Elgar’nan the Eldest of the Sun and He Who Overthrew His Father, Mythal the Protector, Fen’Harel the Dread Wolf, Andruil the Huntress, Falon’Din the Friend of the Dead, Dirthamen the Keeper of Secrets, Ghilan’nain the Mother of Halla, June the Master of Crafts, and Sylaise the Hearthkeeper. / We gather every ten years for the Arlathvhen, to retell the ancient stories and keep them alive. For when the human kingdoms are gone, we must be ready to teach the others what it means to be elves. / –As told by Gisharel, keeper of the Ralaferin clan of the Dalish elves.

I took the road north from Val Royeaux toward Nevarra with a merchant caravan. A scant two days past the Orlesian border, we were beset by bandits. They struck without warning from the cover of the trees, hammering our wagons with arrows, killing most of the caravan guards instantly. The few who survived the arrow storm drew their blades and charged into the trees after our attackers. We heard screams muffled by the forest, and then nothing more of those men. / After a long silence, the bandits appeared. Elves covered in tattoos and dressed in hides, they looted all the supplies and valuables they could carry from the merchants and disappeared back into the trees. / These, I was informed later, were the Dalish, the wild elves who lurk in the wilderness on the fringes of settled lands, preying upon travelers and isolated farmers. These wild elves have reverted to the worship of their false gods and are rumored to practice their own form of magic, rejecting all human society. / –From In Pursuit of Knowledge: The Travels of A Chantry Scholar, by Brother Genitivi.


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