The Commandments of the Maker

dragon age origins codex gb codex

Codex Entry – Magic and Religion
Entry Number 67

Installation: Base Installation

These truths the Maker has revealed to me:/As there is but one world, /One life, one death, there is /But one god, and He is our Maker./They are sinners, who have given their love/To false gods. / Magic exists to serve man, and never to rule over him. /Foul and corrupt are they/Who have taken His gift/And turned it against His children./They shall be named Maleficar, accursed ones./They shall find no rest in this world/Or beyond. / All men are the Work of our Maker’s Hands,/From the lowest slaves/To the highest kings./Those who bring harm/Without provocation to the least of His children/Are hated and accursed by the Maker. / Those who bear false witness/And work to deceive others, know this:/There is but one Truth./All things are known to our Maker/And He shall judge their lies. / All things in this world are finite./What one man gains, another has lost./Those who steal from their brothers and sisters/Do harm to their livelihood and to their peace of mind./Our Maker sees this with a heavy heart. / –Transfigurations 1:1-5.


  • Castle Cousland – Received from Mother Mallol in chapel during Human Noble origin story
  • Denerim Elven Alienage (Arl of Denerim’s Estate) – Received from praying woman during City Elf origin story
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