The City of Orzammar

dragon age origins codex gb codex

Codex Entry – Culture and History
Entry Number 138

Installation: Base Installation

The dwarves are lauded for their craftsmanship, and the city of Orzammar is one of their finest works. Orzammar lies at the heart of the Frostback Mountains, deep underground. The city arcs outward from the royal palace, which is built around a natural lava vent, continually fountaining liquid rock, which both lights and heats the entire cavern. / The topmost tier of Orzammar is home to the noble caste, with their palaces fanning out in both directions from the court of the king, as well as the Shaperate, which serves as a repository for all dwarven knowledge. / The lower tier is the Commons, where the merchant caste holds sway and where the finest works of Orzammar’s craftsman are for sale. In the center of the river of lava, connected to the Commons by a causeway, are the Proving Grounds, a sacred arena where the dwarves, by ancient tradition, settle their disputes. / On one side of the fiery river are the ruins of old dwarven palaces, fallen into disrepair, which the locals call Dust Town, now home to the city’s casteless. On the other side of the river are the Deep Roads, which once joined the sprawling dwarven empire together, but now, after centuries of darkspawn incursions, are largely sealed off. Nearly all knowledge of this network of underground passages has been lost, even to its builders. / –From In Pursuit of Knowledge: The Travels of A Chantry Scholar, by Brother Genitivi.


  • Orzammar Commons – Received upon your initial arrival during Dwarf Commoner origin story
  • Orzammar Commons – Received upon inspection of floor carving
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