Ring of the Warrior

dragon age origins equipment gb ico ring

Armor – Ring
+2 Strength, +2 Dexterity

This is gold, covered in elven script. Whatever the writing says, it’s awfully wordy.

Installation: Base Installation


  • The Deep Roads (Caridin’s Cross) – Found in drifters’ cache
  • Vigil’s Keep (Exterior) – Starting equipment for a new rogue or warrior character
  • Vigil’s Keep (Keep Interior) – Equipped by Oghren when you recruit him in Awakening
  • Denerim (Palace District) – Found in chest during The Darkspawn Chronicles DLC
  • Hideout – Purchased from Lem’s Fenced and Found during Leliana’s Song DLC
  • Deep Roads Grotto – Starting equipment for a new rogue or warrior character during The Golems of Amgarrak DLC
  • Deep in the Wilds – Starting equipment for a new rogue or warrior character during Witch Hunt DLC
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