
dragon age origins codex gb codex

Codex Entry – Magic and Religion
Entry Number 80

Installation: Base Installation

It has been asked, “What are maleficarum? How shall we know them?” I have been as troubled by this question as you. You have come to me for the wisdom of the Maker, but none have seen the Maker’s heart save Beloved Andraste. And so I have done as all mortals must, and looked to the words of His prophet for answers. And there, I found respite from a troubled mind. / For she has said to us, “Magic exists to serve man, and never to rule over him.” Therefore, I say to you, they who work magic which dominates the minds and hearts of others, they have transgressed the Maker’s law. / Also, Our Lady said to us, “Those who bring harm without provocation to the least of His children are hated and accursed by the Maker.” And so it is made clear to me, as it should be to us all: That magic which fuels itself by harming others, by the letting of blood, is hated by the Maker. / Those mages who honor the Maker and keep His laws we welcome as our brothers and sisters. Those who reject the laws of the Maker and the words of His prophet are apostate. They shall be cast out, and given no place among us. /–From The Sermons of Justinia I.


  • Circle Tower (Senior Mage Quarters) – Received from books on table during Magi origin story
  • The Fade (Templar’s Nightmare) – Received upon inspection of books
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