Load Limit Reached

dragon age origins codex gb codex

Codex Entry – Notes
Entry Number 241

Installation: Base Installation

“Mass will have an effect,” he says./As long as it lifts us out, I figure./Should have specificed “within my lifetime.”/”Gives us time to talk”, he says./”How’s a dwarf get named Shepard?”/Up yer shaft./”No really, because blah, blah, blah.”/Axe answers, but I still hear him./Drip… ground./Drip… ground./Worse than his talking./Think I’ll drop out for some air. / Excerpt: Dwarven Verse in One Volume/Selection: Load Limit Reached/Anonymous scratching recovered from a cage hoist… eventually.


  • The Deep Roads (The Dead Trenches) – Received upon inspection of rubble
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