Letter to Jogby

dragon age origins codex gb codex

Codex Entry – Quest-Related
Entry Number 317

Installation: Base Installation

My dearest son, / It pleases me that you wish to follow in my footsteps and bring the Maker’s word to the unenlightened. I wish you had chosen a less dangerous place to do so! / Apologies for leaving early for the Wilds, son, but I wanted to set up camp and get things started. The Chasind respect one with survival skills in the Wilds, so I hoped to get a grip on that before you arrived, and maybe establish an agreement with a local tribe so that we had friends when you came. / When you reach the Wilds, you’ll find it difficult to navigate. I’ve listed certain landmarks below. If you follow them, they will lead you to a location I’ve scouted out, where I’ve left you some supplies. If you’re lost, try to get back to that spot, and I’ll find you. / The landmarks are as follows, beginning at the entrance to the Wilds from Ostagar:/- Look for a tree leaning on a ruined building/- Pass under a fallen tree “bridge”/- Pass a submerged tower on the right/- Look between a high, ruined arch and a mossy standing stone/- Walk along a path of roots and stones/- Look for two large statues with a chest between them / There you will find our meeting point. / I love you, Jogby, my son. I hope to see you soon. / Your father,/–Rigby


  • The Korcari Wilds – Received after finding letter on Missionary Jogby’s corpse
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