In Uthenera

dragon age origins codex gb codex

Codex Entry – Books and Songs
Entry Number 217

Installation: Base Installation

hahren na melana sahlin/emma ir abelas/souver’inan isala hamin/vhenan him dor’felas/in uthenera na revas / vir sulahn’nehn/vir dirthera/vir samahl la numin/vir lath sa’vunin / Translated from the elven tongue: / elder your time is come/now I am filled with sorrow/weary eyes need resting/heart has become grey and slow/in waking sleep is freedom / we sing, rejoice/we tell the tales/we laugh and cry/we love one more day / –From “In Uthenera,” traditional elven song of unknown origin


  • Brecilian Outskirts (Dalish Camp) – Received after acquiring Song Book from Lanaya’s chest
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