Farewell Letter to Jogby

dragon age origins codex gb codex

Codex Entry – Quest-Related
Entry Number 318

Installation: Base Installation

My dear son, Jogby, / I fear this is the last letter I will write you. I have had difficulty finding the Chasind to bring them the Maker’s word. I have, however, seen evidence of their passing. They appear to have left this area in great haste, possibly fleeing the so-called “darkspawn” that are rumored to be gathering in the Wilds in ever greater numbers. / I have left you a weapon and everything else I can spare, my son. I will try to find you once I have found a safe place. I only hope that you will be safe. With luck, we will meet again. / If you see her, tell your mother that I love her. And take care of our family. / Your loving father,/–Rigby


  • The Korcari Wilds – Received after finding letter in iron chest
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