Dalish Elf

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Proud of your role as one of the few “true elves,” you have always assumed you would spend your life with your tribe… until a chance encounter with a relic of your people’s past threatens to tear you away from everything you have ever known…

“We are the Dalish: keepers of the lost lore, walkers of the lonely path.We are the last of the Elvhenan, and never again shall we submit.”

This is the oath the Dalish elves hold close to their hearts. In ancient times, the elves ruled over Thedas alone, ageless and beautiful, until the humans came. Enslaved for a thousand years, the elves lost not only their immortality but their very identity. The Dalish are those elves who refuse to live in human cities, proudly wandering the most remote corners of the wild lands in small clans that rarely meet. Their wagons are welcome nowhere, and more than one tale is told of the Dalish clashing with remote villagers who attempt to drive them away by force.

Much has been lost, but the Dalish will find what has been lost and keep it safe. They will relearn the elven tongue, rediscover the ancient crafts and practice the old magics. They will spurn the human god and instead cleave to the ancient pantheon of the elves, praying that one day their own gods will return and lead their people to a new homeland. There, the Dalish will await the return of those elves who have forgotten what they were, and they will teach them to remember.

Until that day comes, they will stand fast. As long as the landships are seen on the horizon there will be hope, hope that what was long ago shattered by the touch of mortal man may one day yet be restored.

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