Circles Within Circles

dragon age origins codex gb codex

Codex Entry – Notes
Entry Number 244

Installation: Base Installation

Arguments between the various fraternities have become more frequent and heated. I have alerted the College of Magi in Cumberland that this needs to be addressed in coming debates, but I fear relations with the Chantry may distract them. I am confident that I can appease the Aequitarians and Loyalists, but the Libertarians are proving divisive. Are the Isolationists even interested in speaking? / The threat of Blight has actually served some good in unifying us under a common cause, but it does not bode well that any given table in the Great Hall is likely to be ideologically weighted against its neighbor. We can be such a moody bunch staring over our tea. / –Excerpt from First Enchanter Irving’s notes on unity


  • Circle Tower (Senior Mage Quarters) – Received upon inspection of scrap of paper
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