Dragon Age II

Dragon Age II Preview

The editors at GamePro managed to score some time with BioWare’s Dragon Age sequel at GamesCom, and have since proceeded to tell us what we need to know about it. ‘¢ The combat in Dragon Age 2 looks to cater…

BioWare at GamesCom, Day One

BioWare has whipped up a blog entry chronicling the first day of GamesCom, complete with a few pictures and word that there’s a 20% discount going on over at their online store. The action at the booths has been amazing…

Dragon Age II Preview and Video Interview

GameSpot rolled out some new GamesCom-based Dragon Age II coverage this afternoon, including a hands-on preview and a nearly five-minute video interview with lead designer Mike Laidlaw. From the preview: In addition to seeing how combat plays out on the…

Dragon Age II Previews

Two more GamesCom-based and commentary-laden previews of BioWare’s Dragon Age II are online and ready for consumption. GamesRadar starts us off: The engine is redesigned from the ground up to basically work better with consoles. So if you played it…

Dragon Age II Previews

This week’s GamesCom has given birth to a couple of new previews for BioWare’s Dragon Age sequel, including a two-pager from the editors at IGN: After making my way through part of the Blightlands, Hawke’s family ran into an injured…

Dragon Age II Boxshot, Screenshots, Concept Art, and More

EA and BioWare have taken advantage of GamesCom to release a selection of new Dragon Age II imagery and content, including the official box artwork (with a slightly modified Hawke on the cover), three new screenshots, four new pieces of…

Dragon Age II Release Date Announced, Trailer

Not only have EA and BioWare solidified March 8th, 2011 as the official release date for Dragon Age II at GamesCom, but they’ve released the trailer that was promised when the sequel was originally announced. While impressive, there’s no gameplay…

Dragon Age II Playable at GamesCom

German website Cynamite.de claims to have received a press release from EA today announcing that a playable build of Dragon Age II will be available on the show floor of GamesCom. The usual (rough) Google translation: Dragon Age II is…

Mike Laidlaw Responds to Dragon Age II Questions

Dragon Age II lead designer Mike Laidlaw has responded to questions raised by his Joystick interview in a message on the BioWare forums (bottom of the page). Hey folks, Victor managed to hunt me down, and I wanted to clear up…