Dragon Age II

Dragon Age II Preview

The editors at PCMag are next in line with a quick preview of Dragon Age II, the contents of which I presume are from one of the recent press events. An excerpt: Hawke’s journey begins as a refugee who survives…

Dragon Age II Talent Trees Revealed

No specializations are included, but a forum user has posted all of Dragon Age II’s mage/rogue/warrior talent trees to the official BioWare forums. These are taken from the TGS2011 demo, and are in full detail.

Dragon Age II Demo Download Call to Arms

BioWare is putting out a call to arms to BioWare fans: if the Dragon Age II demo hits one million downloads they will unlock two more items in Dragon Age II. Finishing the demo nets you another item. Dragon Age players,…

Dragon Age II Demo Gameplay Video

Someone managed to get their hands on the Dragon Age II demo early, and has put the first fifteen minutes or so of gameplay on YouTube in two separate parts. Have at ’em:

Dragon Age II Video Interview

G4TV has a video interview with Lead Designer Mike Laidlaw and Gameplay Producer Dan Lazin discussing the main character Hawke, the amping up of the archer specialization and craftable weapons.

The Technology of Dragon Age II, Part One

Hard not to get overwhelmed by the amount of Dragon Age II coverage hovering around, but this one is worth highlighting, as the BioWare blog takes a screenshot-laden look at upgrades to tech/graphics, in lighting, outdoor environment, characters. Interesting terrain variation,…

Dragon Age II Recurring Characters Preview

IGN takes a look at the characters we already know to be coming back from Dragon Age: Origins as well as Awakenings. Spoiler warnings apply. Flemeth The bad-ass witch of the wilds greets you in the first fifteen minutes of…

Dragon Age II Felicia Day Page

A “Game Info: Felicia Day” page has been added to the Dragon Age II website the detail the upcoming Dragon Age: Redemption webseries. It doesn’t seem to contain anything new, though. Look for the world premiere of Dragon Age: Redemption…