Dragon Age II

Dragon Age II PC v1.01 Beta Patch Released

With a pretty quick turnaround, BioWare has released the beta version of a v1.01 patch that fixes several issues with Dragon Age II. However, it is available for the retail PC edition only, so Mac, Xbox 360, PS3, and Steam…

Dragon Age II Reviews, Wave Six

I initially thought we’d probably get through the next couple of days without another Dragon Age II review round-up, but since they aren’t showing any signs of slowing down, a mid-weekend round-up is a necessity. WorthPlaying gives it a 6.5/10:…

BioWare Forum/Game Ban Explained

Yesterday we reported on a user finding himself blocked from installing his games after being banned from the BioWare forums. BioWare’s community manager Chris Priestly now offers on official response. Here is my official response. You will likely see this picked…

Another Dragon Age II Bonus Item and Penny Arcade Comic Page

BioWare apparently felt that tying 24 promotional bonus items to Dragon Age II wasn’t enough, because they’ve added a new “The Antivan Garrote” belt that can be obtained only by purchasing something from the BioWare store. Those of you who…

Report Claims Dragon Age II Utilizes SecuRom

Reclaim Your Game – a consumer organization for gamers – tested Dragon Age II for DRM and is reporting that it uses not just EA’s “online” DRM, but also carries Securom, despite no mention of Securom being made anywhere on…

Dragon Age II Post-Release Interview

Dozens of reviews for Dragon Age II have already appeared online, and while it managed to take home some great scores, the reality is that it might end up being the company’s lowest rated full title to date. So, to…

Dragon Age II Reviews, Wave Five

The torrent of Dragon Age II reviews is beginning to let up, so this will most likely be the last round-up we post until after the weekend.  We’ll kick things off at PC Gamer, where they’ve (controversially, based on the…

Dragon Age II OST Interviews

A pair of new interviews have hit the net discussing the Dragon Age II soundtrack with veteran videogame composer Inon Zur. IGN sticks to general questions on videogame composing mostly. IGN: After the game is finished, do you go back…

A BioWare Forum Ban Locks You Out of Their Games

Despite what you think of Dragon Age II and how passionate you are about its shortcomings, I’d have to advise you not to go over to BioWare’s forums and say anything in the heat of the moment. That’s because getting…

Should You Buy Dragon Age II’s Downloadable Content?

That’s the question asked by IGN in this editorial/review for The Black Emporium and The Exiled Prince, though their conclusion for both titles is that they’re largely unnecessary. $10 for a merchant and a summoning ability: The Black Emporium itself…