Dragon Age II

DRM Run Amok: How BioWare and EA Are Screwing Users

I’m not sure that I’ve ever seen Ars Technica get downright angry at a video game publisher, but they certainly aren’t too happy with EA/BioWare right now. The issue? A several-day “unauthorized DLC” error message that has kept legitimate Dragon…

Dragon Age II v1.02 Patch Released

The first major patch for Dragon Age II is now available, and I say “major” because it fixes over 100 well-known issues with companion bonus effects, broken quests, PC-specific performance problems, and more. You can grab it directly from BioWare…

Role-playing Homosexual in Dragon Age II

In his latest “Extra Punctuation” editorial, The Escapist’s Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw tackles the way BioWare handled homosexual romances in Dragon Age II (particularly with Anders) while also revealing why he thinks it’s perfectly acceptable to role-play a gay character even…

Unconfirmed: Dragon Age III in Development, Includes Multiplayer

CVG is reporting by way of the Official PlayStation Magazine that Dragon Age III is currently in production, and that it contains “an added multiplayer component”. File this one under “completely unsubstantiated”, of course: The rumor comes from the ‘Inside…

Dragon Age II Anders Short Story

The page for the apostate/Grey Warden NPC Anders has been updated with a short story from BioWare writer Jennifer Hepler, detailing the period when he decided to leave the wardens. I am Anders. I am Justice. This never used to…

An Honest Conversation With BioWare

Apparently the folks at Bitmob weren’t too happy with the direction BioWare took with Dragon Age II and Mass Effect 2: Arrival, and have even went so far as to crank out this faux interview to lend a voice to…

GB Feature: Dragon Age II Review

As promised, Steven has stepped away from the Dragon Age II walkthrough and databases we’ve been hammering away at over the past few weeks to bring you our review of BioWare’s sequel. After rounding up twenty waves of other critiques,…

Dragon Age II Reviews, Wave Twenty

And so we arrive at my final review round-up for Dragon Age II. If you still haven’t made up your mind about the game, check back later today for our own review. GamingTruth gives it a 4.5/5: Dragon Age 2…

Dragon Age II Reviews, Wave Nineteen

Just when you thought you were going to get through a weekend without a single Dragon Age II review round-up, in comes wave number nineteen. GameShark gives it a “B”: Although I question Bioware’s prioritization of interactive cinema over interesting…