Dragon Age II

Not Everyone Hates Dragon Age II, You Know

It’s no secret that Dragon Age II has drawn a lot of ire since it was released last March, but that doesn’t mean that a segment of gamers out there don’t appreciate the same facets that others loathe. And that’s…

Dragon Age Cinematics Interview

There’s a new in-house Q&A with BioWare’s Jonathan Perry over on the company’s blog, during which the cinematic lead for the Dragon Age franchise talks about his day-to-day responsibilities, his proudest moment from Dragon Age II’s development, how to break…

Dragon Age III Drawing Inspiration from Skyrim

Despite telling Kotaku yesterday that The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim’s success doesn’t change the plans for Dragon Age’s future, and that they haven’t really played the game, Ray Muzyka (who played the earliest parts of Skyrim) tells Wired’s Game|Life blog: ([The…

Dragon Age: Asunder Novel Released

Should you find yourself wanting to catch up on some more Dragon Age lore before the inevitable announcement of Dragon Age III, the best place to start is likely the new David Gaider-written novel Dragon Age: Asunder. Word is: Return…

Why Role-Playing Games Dominated 2011

In a new “Why Role-Playing Games Dominated 2011” piece, IGN’s Charles Onyett have rounded up a few of the stand-out RPG titles of the past twelve months and pored over their strengths and weaknesses. Dragon Age II, The Witcher 2,…

30 in 30: BioWare

BioWare is the latest developer to be profiled for CVG’s “30 in 30” series, with the the two-page article providing a brief history lesson for the Canadian company, overviews of two of its three founders, and summaries of three key…

Dragon Age III: What Must Be Done

The editors over at CodeBoX have put together a brief editorial that outlines what they feel are the steps that BioWare must take in order to ensure that Dragon Age III will be successful and a proper installment to the…