Dragon Age II

Dragon Age III PAX Panel Video

GameSpot was in attendance at the Dragon Age panel at this past weekend’s PAX East, and have uploaded the entirety of the nine-minute discussion to their YouTube channel. In it, we hear from BioWare community manager Jessica Merizan and Dragon…

Dragon Age PAX East Panel Report

The direction BioWare intends to follow with Dragon Age III seems to have been the primary subject of a PAX East panel with lead designer Mike Laidlaw, at least according to this GameTrailers report. Less recycled areas, more customization, and…

No Souls Were Sold: An Insider Perspective on EA’s BioWare

VideoGamer is offering up a fascinating three-page read that not only chronicles BioWare’s founding in 1995 to their 2008 acquisition by Electronic Arts, but also provides commentary from some of the studio’s (former) veteran employees who were there when EA…

Dragon Age II v1.04 Mac and Cumulative Patches Released

BioWare’s Rob Bartel brings word that the Macintosh edition of Dragon Age II has been updated to version 1.04, and that a cumulative patch containing all previous fixes has been released acrosss all platforms. You can grab the latter patch…

Are Mass Effect and Dragon Age in the Same Universe?

“My name is Commander Shepard and Dragon Age is my favorite game on the Xbox” is the first thing that pops into my head as I read through this bizarre Q&A on Kotaku that features BioWare co-founders Ray Muzyka and…