Wayward Son – Dragon Age 2 Quest

In this guide, you will find a map, legend, and walkthrough for a quest in Act 1 of Dragon Age 2. You will also find all the branching consequences for your actions during the quest throughout the guide.


1 – Spindleweed
2 – Deep Mushroom
3 – Varian Ilithis / Feynriel
4 – Chest



You’ll receive this quest from Arianni in the elven alienage in Lowtown (during the day) after completing the quest Long Way Home.


Arianni will tell you that her son Feynriel is a mage, and that while the two of them have avoided the Circle in the past, recently Feynriel started having nightmares about demons, and now Arianni is worried about his safety and isn’t sure what to do. If you agree to look for Feynriel, then Arianni will recommend that you speak with Feynriel’s father Vincento or to a templar named Ser Thrask.

Note: If you tell Arianni “I will stop him” then you’ll gain rivalry points with Anders and Bethany.

You’ll find Vincento in the Lowtown bazaar (during the day) and Thrask in the Gallows Courtyard. The first one you talk to might not tell you anything, but in that case the second one will help you for sure. So, one way or another, you’ll learn that Feynriel probably went to see a former templar named Samson, since Samson has been known to help mages escape from the Circle.

Note: If you talk to Vincento, and if you say “Make up for your neglect,” then you’ll gain friendship points with Merrill.

Another Note: If you talk to Thrask, and if you use Aveline to convince him to help you, then you’ll gain friendship points with Aveline. If you tell Thrask that Feynriel is a menace, then you’ll gain friendship points with Fenris. If you tell Thrask that you want to help Feynriel, then you’ll gain friendship points with Merrill and rivalry points with Fenris.

You’ll find Samson in Lowtown (at night). When you talk to him there, you’ll learn that Feynriel couldn’t afford his services, and so he sent him to a ship captain named Reiner — only now it appears that Reiner is planning to ransom Feynriel to the templars. To help prevent this, Samson will let you know that Feynriel is being held in a warehouse at the Docks (at night).

Inside the warehouse, you’ll have to fight lots of sailors and marines, and then in one of the upstairs rooms you’ll witness a female mage transforming herself into an abomination to prevent herself from being taken as a slave. After the battle, you’ll find Thrask’s Letter on the corpse of the abomination (which will trigger the quest An Errant Letter), the dagger Bloodletter on the corpse of Captain Reiner, and a Hideout Location Map in a chest. The map will reveal that a slaver named Danzig works in Darktown.

When you meet with Danzig in Darktown (day or night), he’ll make the mistake of trying to turn you into a slave. If you have Fenris with you, then you’ll be able to use him to convince Danzig to tell you what he knows. Otherwise, you’ll have to fight Danzig and his men, and then loot a map (plus about 3 sovereigns) from Danzig’s corpse. Either way, you’ll learn that Feynriel is being held in the Slaver Caverns on the Wounded Coast.

Note: If you let Fenris deal with Danzig and then kill Danzig, then you’ll gain friendship points with Aveline, Carver and Fenris. If you let Fenris deal with Danzig and then let Danzig go, then you’ll gain rivalry points with Aveline, Carver and Fenris.

Inside the Slaver Caverns, you’ll have to fight a few slavers, but then eventually you’ll come to Varian Ilithis, the slaver leader, and he’ll have his sword at Feynriel’s throat (#3). You’ll then have a few ways to respond:

  • If you’re playing a rogue, then you’ll get the dialogue option “I don’t need to step,” which will allow you to kill Ilithis by throwing a dagger into his throat. You’ll still have to fight the rest of the slavers, but without Ilithis to worry about you’ll have a much easier time. This option won’t cause you to gain any friendship or rivalry points.

  • If you have Varric in your party, then you can let him spin a yarn about Feynriel being the viscount’s son. This will gain you friendship points with Varric, and you’ll get to choose whether you let the slavers go or fight them. If you let the slavers go, then you’ll receive 3 sovereigns and rivalry points with Fenris. If you fight the slavers, then you’ll receive friendship points with Fenris.

  • You can say “I’ll risk that.” This will start up a fight with the slavers, and you’ll gain friendship points with Fenris and rivalry points with Aveline.

  • You can say “Let’s work something out.” If you have Fenris in your party, or if you say “You should pay me,” then you’ll end up fighting the slavers anyway. Otherwise, you’ll get an option to pay the slavers 5 sovereigns for Feynriel, which will resolve the encounter without a fight. This option will gain you rivalry points with Fenris.

Regardless, after the battle you’ll automatically start up a conversation with Feynriel, and that’s when you’ll get to decide his fate. You’ll have two options:

  • You can send him to the Circle. If you do this then you’ll gain friendship points with Aveline, Carver and Fenris, and rivalry points with Anders, Bethany and Merrill.

  • You can send him to the Dalish camp on Sundermount. If you do this then you’ll gain friendship points with Anders, Bethany, Isabela and Carver, and rivalry points with Aveline, Carver and Fenris.

Regardless of what you choose, when you return to Arianni in the Lowtown alienage, she’ll reward you with a Runed Silverite Ring and 800 xp.

Note: If you send Feynriel to the Circle, then when you return to Arianni, you’ll receive rivalry points with Anders.

Another Note: If you send Feynriel to the Dalish elves, then he’ll show up at the Sundermount Dalish camp. If you talk to him there, then you’ll receive 1 sovereign.

A Third Note: After rescuing Feynriel, if you head back to the southern entrance to the Slaver Caverns, then you’ll get attacked by a group of giant spiders, and you’ll receive about 100 xp for defeating them.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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