The Unbidden Rescue – Dragon Age 2 Quest

In this guide, you will find a walkthrough for a quest in Act 1 of Dragon Age 2. You will also find all the branching consequences for your actions during the quest throughout the guide.


After completing the quest Blackpowder Promise, a bounty notice will appear in the Hightown market. Examining this notice will trigger the quest.


When you read the bounty notice, you’ll learn that the viscount’s son Saemus “has been lost to uncertain company,” and that you should talk to Seneschal Bran in the Viscount’s Keep to learn more. When you reach Bran, you’ll find him in discussion with Ginnis, the leader of the Winters, who is also interested in the bounty. After Ginnis leaves, when you talk to Bran, you’ll learn that Saemus was taken by a qunari — or perhaps just left peacefully with the qunari — and that he is now somewhere on the Wounded Coast. You’ll also learn that Bran and the viscount don’t care who brings Saemus back, as long as he is brought back unharmed.

Note: If you accept the bounty from Bran, then you’ll gain friendship points with Aveline and Carver. If you refuse, then you’ll gain rivalry points with Aveline and Carver. Either way, the quest will proceed the same.

On the Wounded Coast, you’ll run into Saemus, Ginnis, and the Winters on the southern tip of the area. When you reach them, you’ll discover that Ginnis has already killed the qunari Saemus was with, much to Saemus’ disapproval. Then no matter what you say, Ginnis will decide to protect her “claim,” and she and her men will attack you. You’ll then have to defeat lots of Winters, including an assassin, a pair of commanders, and more. Afterwards, when you talk to Saemus, you’ll get an option to return to the Viscount’s Keep. If you accidentally leave the area before looting the dead, the corpses will remain on the battlefield until you return.

Inside the Viscount’s Keep, Saemus and his father will argue, and you’ll get a chance to voice your opinion on the matter:

  • If you say “This is clearly not my affair,” then you’ll gain friendship points with Aveline and Carver.
  • If you say “Yes, your son went too far,” then you’ll gain rivalry points with Aveline and Carver.
  • If you say “You’re both stubborn old fools,” then you’ll gain friendship points with Aveline and rivalry points with Carver.
  • If you say “Saemus is right to question,” then you’ll gain rivalry points with Aveline and friendship points with Carver.

Regardless of your choice, you’ll earn 5 sovereigns and 400 xp at the end of the quest.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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