The Awiergan Scrolls – Dragon Age 2 Quest

In this guide, you will find a map, legend, and walkthrough for the respective quest in Act 3 of Dragon Age 2.


1 – First Aspect Scroll
2 – Second Aspect Scroll
3 – Third Aspect Scroll


The Awiergan Scrolls are a series of linked quests in Act III. You’ll trigger the quests by finding the scrolls.


The Awiergan Scrolls: First Aspect

You’ll find the scroll for the first aspect on the eastern side of the Wounded Coast (#1). Upon reading it, you’ll receive this quest plus the “letters and notes” codex entry for The Awiergan Scrolls: First Aspect. Reading the scroll will also cause an arcane horror named Medan to appear on the western side of the Wounded Coast, at a location marked “hidden lair” on the map (#1a). Killing Medan will complete the quest. You’ll find a Girdle of the Elders on Medan’s remains.

The Awiergan Scrolls: Second Aspect

You’ll find the scroll for the second aspect on the northern side of Sundermount (#2). Upon reading it, you’ll receive this quest plus the “letters and notes” codex entry for The Awiergan Scrolls: Second Aspect. Reading the scroll will also cause Beacon, Bysmor, and Gifre to appear near the Sundermount summit, at a location marked “hidden lair” on the map (#2a). Bysmor is a lowly corpse, but Beacon and Gifre are powerful revenants, and they’ll hit you pretty hard, making the battle against them difficult. Before facing them, we’d recommend that you stock up on potions, including Mighty Offense Potions and Life Ward Potions, as well as an assortment of healing potions.

The two revenants are tough even when they’re alone, and they’re almost impossible to defeat when they’re together (they’ll stun you and slow you and deal more damage than you can heal), and so the best strategy when facing them is to immediately retreat (perhaps all the way back to the graveyard), and draw them to you one at a time. If you can separate the revenants, then you should be able to kill them before they can wipe out your party, and you’ll also be able to use standard boss strategies against them, like having one character run around in circles while the rest of your party deals damage.

If you can survive the battle, then you’ll complete the quest, and you’ll find The Celebrant on Beacon’s remains. The other two bosses wont drop anything of consequence.

The Awiergan Scrolls: Third Aspect

You’ll find the scroll for the third aspect on Sundermount between the entrance and the Dalish camp (#3). Upon reading it, you’ll receive this quest plus the “letters and notes” codex entry for The Awiergan Scrolls: Third Aspect. Reading the scroll will also cause an arcane horror and several shades to appear on the path north of the Dalish camp, near the entrance to the Sundermount Caverns, at a location marked “hidden lair” on the map (#3a). Killing these enemies will complete the quest. You’ll find the battle axe Bloom on the remains of the arcane horror.

The Awiergan Scrolls: Pride Unbound

This quest will trigger once you’ve completed any one of the “aspect” quests (you don’t need to complete them in order). Then after you’ve completed all three aspect quests, you’ll learn that there is an entrance in Darktown leading to an “ancient evil.” You’ll find this entrance located next to Anders’ clinic. It will take you to the Hidden Dungeon.

Inside the Hidden Dungeon, you’ll encounter a pride demon named Hybris. Hybris will deal nature damage (making nature resistance a good idea), he’ll summon shades and rage demons to help him out, and he’ll cause vortexes of light to appear on the ground, which will stun and damage any characters caught in them (so watch carefully and move your companions out of the way as necessary). As long as you keep your ranged characters away from Hybris and keep all of your characters out of the vortexes, the battle should not be too bad — and certainly you should have an easier time with this battle than you did with the second aspect fight.

Note: Hybris’ green nature shield can be dispelled.

Defeating Hyrbis will complete the quest. You won’t earn any xp for doing this, but you will find the longsword Glandivalis on Hybris’ corpse.

1 – First Aspect Scroll

You’ll find the first aspect scroll on the ground here (#1). It will reveal the location of a hidden lair (#1a).

2 – Second Aspect Scroll

You’ll find the second aspect scroll on the ground here (#2). It will reveal the location of a hidden lair (#2a).

3 – Third Aspect Scroll

You’ll find the third aspect scroll on the ground here (#3). It will reveal the location of a hidden lair (#3a).

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
Articles: 1987
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