Loose Ends – Dragon Age 2 Quest

In this guide, you will find a walkthrough for a quest in Act 1 of Dragon Age 2. You will also find all the branching consequences for your actions during the quest throughout the guide.


At some point during Act I (possibly after completing the quest Long Way Home), you’ll receive a message from Athenril or Meeran, depending on who you worked for in the Prologue. Reading the message will trigger the quest. You can also trigger the quest by skipping the message and heading straight for Athenril or Meeran.


This quest is actually two different quests, both with the same name. The version you get will depend on who you worked for in the Prologue.

Athenril’s Version

When you talk to Athenril in Hightown (during the day), she’ll tell you that she hired a group of mercenaries led by Pryce to fence some goods for her at the Docks, but that both the goods and the men seem to have disappeared. She’ll then ask you to head over there and find out what happened. If you refuse to help Athenril, then you’ll gain friendship points with Aveline and Carver. If you agree to take the job, then you’ll gain rivalry points with Aveline and Carver.

Note: You can refuse the job with one set of characters and then accept it with another set, giving you an opportunity to earn some extra friendship or rivalry points.

When you visit the Docks (at night), you’ll find Pryce being attacked by Coteri thugs, archers, and even an assassin. After dispatching these enemies, Pryce will tell you a sob story about how he needs Athenril’s goods to support his sisters, and you’ll be given three ways to proceed:

  • You can let Pryce have the goods and then lie to Athenril about it. This will earn you friendship points with Aveline, Bethany, Isabela and Varric.

  • You can let Pryce have the goods and then tell Athenril the truth. This will earn you friendship points with Aveline, Bethany and Carver, and rivalry points with Varric.

  • You can take the goods from Pryce. This will earn you rivalry points with Aveline, but Athenril will reward you with 3 sovereigns when you return to her. This is the only option where you’ll earn a reward.

No matter what Athenril says to you at the end of the quest, you won’t receive any more quests from her.

Meeran’s Version

When you talk to Meeran in Lowtown (at night), he’ll tell you that he sent a group of mercenaries led by Gustav to kill Lord Harimann at the Docks, but that he hasn’t heard anything back from them. He’ll then ask you to head over there and find out what’s going on — and complete the job if necessary.

At the Docks (during the day), you’ll find Gustav being attacked by a group of guards, including a guard captain. After defeating this threat, Gustav will inform you that the guards belonged to Harimann, and that the ambush failed. Then Harimann himself will show up, and you’ll be given three ways to proceed:

  • If you question Harimann but kill him anyway, then you’ll gain rivalry points with Anders, Aveline, Carver and Varric.

  • If you just kill Harimann, then you’ll gain rivalry points with Aveline and Varric.

  • If you let Harimann go, then you’ll gain friendship points with Anders, Aveline, Carver and Varric.

Note: You can also gain friendship points with Varric by responding to Gustav using the good or wry stance.

When you return to Meeran, you’ll get one of three rewards, depending on what you did with Harimann:

  • If you killed Harimann, then you’ll receive 3 sovereigns.

  • If you let Harimann go, and if you lie to Meeran about it, then you’ll receive 1 sovereign. For choosing this route you’ll gain friendship points with Isabela and Varric.

  • If you let Harimann go, and if you tell Meeran the truth about it, then Meeran will storm off, and the next time you visit his part of Lowtown (at night), he and some Red Iron mercenaries will attack you. This battle can be tough, so don’t wander into it unprepared. For choosing this route you’ll gain friendship points with Aveline and Carver.

No matter what Meeran says to you at the end of the quest, you won’t receive any more quests from him.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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