Dungeons & Dragons Online

Dungeons & Dragons Online Update 26 Launched

We’re still enjoying our time with The Temple of Elemental Evil from Dungeons & Dragons Online’s Update 25 content patch and Turbine has already launched Update 26: Warlock’s Legacy to give us yet another character class to explore, quest, and…

Four Reasons to Give Dungeons & Dragons Online a Try

There’s a new editorial up on MMORPG.com, in which the author offers up a handful a reasons why Turbine’s Dungeons & Dragons Online stands above its competitors and deserves some more of your attention despite its age. Let’s start with…

Dungeons & Dragons Online Producer’s Letter

You might have already made your way through the entirety of The Temple of Elemental Evil content that was added in the latest Dungeons & Dragons Online content patch, but you should start bracing yourself for more to do next…

Dungeons & Dragons Online Update 25 Launched

With the launch of Update 25: Reign of Elemental Evil for Dungeons & Dragons Online today, Turbine has given us another means to return to The Temple of Elemental Evil and experience Gary Gygax’s classic Greyhawk adventure module firsthand –…

Dungeons & Dragons Online vs. Neverwinter

The editors over at MMOGames have pitted Turbine’s Dungeons & Dragons Online against Cryptic Studios’ Neverwinter and has declared the former as the winner across a majority of the areas that are considered, including the overall analysis. I’m in full…

Dungeons & Dragons Online 2015 Producer’s Letter

Not to be outdone by his The Lord of the Rings Online counterpart, Dungeons & Dragons Online executive producer Robert Ciccolini has taken to the game’s official forums to publish a new producer’s letter for the MMORPG that further reveals…

Dungeons & Dragons Online Update 24 Launched

Right on cue, Turbine has launched Update 24: Heart of Madness for Dungeons & Dragons Online, heralding in another round of insanity straight from the plane of Xoriat. Another adventure pack, a link to the Tyranny of Dragons storyline, Barbarian…