Undome Adventure: The Witch – Dungeons & Dragons Tactics

This guide covers a required adventure in the first act of Dungeons & Dragons Tactics. Below, you’ll find a table with adventure statistics, a map, map legend, and an overview.

dungeons dragons tactics undome adventure the witch map

1 – Arrival
2 – Wolves
3 – Werewolf and Wolves
4 – Trap, Wolves, and Chest
5 – Werewolves
6 – Dire Wolf and Wolves
7 – Werewolf
8 – Traps
9 – Traps
10 – Traps
11 – Werewolves and Wolves
12 – Wolf and Chest
13 – Werewolf and Chest
14 – Werewolf and Wolf
15 – Chest
16 – Wolf
17 – Werewolf and Chest
18 – Entelesse


In the caves and hollows of Undome, save the witch Entelesse, who is in grave danger.

Adventure Statistics
Party MembersRecm’d LevelTotal MonstersTotal ChestsEnd Reward
65th355900 XP


1 – Arrival

Upon arriving in these caves, your main character will suggest that you keep your eyes open for traps. That’s pretty good advice, as you’ll soon find out.

2 – Wolves

Your first confrontation here in the witch’s labyrinth will include these two Wolves.

3 – Werewolf and Wolves

A Werewolf and two standard Wolves will emerge from this room when you step out into the hallway to the west.

4 – Trap, Wolves, and Chest

Two more Wolves and a trap stand between your party and a locked chest. Once open, you’ll find a small amount of gold, some Silver Arrows, and a Scroll of Ice Storm inside the chest.

5 – Werewolves

This tunnel is patrolled by a pair of Werewolves.

6 – Dire Wolf and Wolves

This rocky, well-lit area is home to a powerful Dire Wolf and three standard Wolves. Since the Dire Wolf is new, it’s worth noting that it’s worth 100 experience points per party member.

7 – Werewolf

One more Werewolf will charge at your party from down this hallway.

8 – Traps

Be careful of the two pressure plate-triggered traps as you round this corner.

9 – Traps

Two more pressure plate-triggered traps have been set at this area of the hallway.

10 – Traps

A third pair of pressure plate-triggered traps lie between your party and a locked wooden door.

11 – Werewolves and Wolves

Once you’ve made it past the traps and locked door, you’ll find yourself in a massive battle with two Werewolves and five standard Wolves.

12 – Wolf and Chest

Another Wolf guards an unlocked chest containing a small amount of gold and a Glaive +2 called “Langblade.”

13 – Werewolf and Chest

Take down the Werewolf inhabiting this room, then open the unlocked chest to find a small amount of gold and a Club of Animal Bane +1 called “Beastbane.”

14 – Werewolf and Wolf

Yet another Werewolf and Wolf attempt to keep your party from progressing any further.

15 – Chest

This storage room provides you with another chest, though this time it only contains some gold and a set of Silver Arrows.

16 – Wolf

Cleanse this room of its Wolf inhabitant to gain access to the room beyond.

17 – Werewolf and Chest

Bring the Werewolf down before ransacking the chest for a large amount of gold, a Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, and a Wand of Burning Hands.

18 – Entelesse

You’re just in time. The witch is under attack by a Wolf Khan leader, a Dire Wolf, two Werewolves, and two standard Wolves. She’s armed with a Wand of Magic Missile and has access to 3rd level Wizard spells, so luckily you have a solid ally helping you bring these foes down.

When all the opposition has been taken out, you’ll immediately be brought to the “End of Adventure” screen. Along with the usual experience point reward, you’ll also receive a Silver Dagger +1 called “Paper Cut.”

During the following cutscene, Entelesse will tell you that Athearorn once rested at a monastery called Tol-Dornor. This will open up a new adventure called The Temple. She’ll also mention that a greater evil still exists in the Tower of Crows, which presents you with an optional adventure called The Demon. And, finally, she identifies your main character as having a draconic bloodline, though she’s unable to divine your entire dragon ancestry. You’ll have to learn more on your own.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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