Tower of Crows Adventure: The Demon 1 – Dungeons & Dragons Tactics

This guide covers an optional adventure in the first act of Dungeons & Dragons Tactics. Below, you’ll find a table with adventure statistics, a map, map legend, and an overview.

dungeons dragons tactics tower of crows adventure the demon 1 map

1 – Arrival
2 – Trap
3 – Traps and Skeleton Warrior
4 – Skeleton Leader and Skeleton Warriors
5 – Chest
6 – Trap
7 – Earth Elemental
8 – Chests
9 – Ghouls
10 – Wights
11 – Chest
12 – Skeleton Warrior
13 – Exit


Destroy the nest of evil said to be at the top of the Tower of Crows.

Adventure Statistics
Party MembersRecm’d LevelTotal MonstersTotal ChestsEnd Reward
65th124500 XP


1 – Arrival

Your party isn’t too happy about having to climb this tower again, but it’s the only way to eradicate the evil that infests it.

2 – Trap

Be careful of the pressure plate-triggered trap that’s been set along this curve’s southern end.

3 – Traps and Skeleton Warrior

You’ll have to deal with two traps and a Skeleton Warrior before gaining access to the room to the south.

4 – Skeleton Leader and Skeleton Warriors

A Skeleton Leader accompanied by three Skeleton Warriors will try to slow your progress when you enter this room.

5 – Chest

This locked room houses a single locked chest containing gold, a Potion of Eagle’s Splendor, a Potion of Cure Serious Wounds, and a set of Bracers of Armor +3.

6 – Trap

Be wary of the trap on the north side of this door.

7 – Earth Elemental

The Medium Earth Elemental inhabiting this room is worth 133 experience points per party member.

8 – Chests

Both of these unlocked chests house some useful items. The north chest contains a reasonable amount of gold, a Scroll of Flame Strike, and a Potion of Neutralize Poison, while the south chest contains a much larger amount of gold, some Shock Bolts +1, and a Potion of Neutralize Poison.

9 – Ghouls

Two Ghouls hide in the darkness behind the room’s wall structure.

10 – Wights

Three Wights will charge your party as soon as you open the door to this room.

11 – Chest

Once you’re past the lock on this room’s door and chest, you can ransack the container for several thousand gold and a Potion of Barkskin +5.

12 – Skeleton Warrior

A lone Skeleton Warrior will attempt to keep you away from the staircase to the north.

13 – Exit

Reaching the top of these stairs brings you to the “End of Adventure” screen, after which you’ll immediately move on to The Demon 2.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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